Fadoua has been surprising & delighting members, Leaders, and the Community Team since 2017. Let’s spend some time getting to know the phenomenal Fadoua. Take a seat, grab a snack, and let’s travel back in time to relive some of her brightest moments. 🎞 🍿
Fadoua Boualem has accomplished a lot over the past few years and this month she broke the internet by achieving Level 10 status and accumulating 66 badges.
She’s written over 145 articles and her most viral article is Using Trello to Manage Events with an astounding 2,899 views & 13 likes.
Throughout her tenure, she has signed into Community 1,248 times, 121 answers, & 781 likes with a very active presence in Slack Leader channels.
When she’s not writing articles she’s a group leader in North Virginia & Research and Healthcare.
Caring, thoughtful, and generosity are the first words that come to mind when I think of Fadoua. Her generosity knows no bounds and the Community team has been a lucky beneficiary of her random acts of kindness.
An ode to @Fadoua, by (@Community Manager ): “Fadoua exemplifies what it means to bring your whole self to the table as a Community Leader. She is constantly trying to optimize experiences for the members of her community, and her fellow Leaders look to her as a source of knowledge, kindness, and inclusivity. Today and every day, we celebrate her amazing achievements. Go, Fadoua, go!”
An ode to @Fadoua, by (@Bridget Sauer ): “I met Fadoua because she is a Community Leader, but now I think of her as a true friend. We chat regularly (and sometimes in French) about work, life, and everything that happens in between. I’m invested in helping her further her career and we know the names of each other’s family members. Hers is a perspective I don’t often get to learn about, and I feel really lucky to know her!”
An ode to @Fadoua, by (@Jack Brickey "When I first met Fadoua in person at the Las Vegas Summit 2019 I was amazed by her friendly spirit, energy and interest in the Community. While I see this with a lot of folks during Summit what strikes me is that it isn’t a passing thing with her. I see that same positive attitude and willingness to help whenever we are chatting in Slack or Community Zoom sessions. She is an unwavering example of what our Community is all about."
Fadoua in her own words, “ It has been a wonderful experience so far because I have made friends from around the world. We may have never met or will meet in the future but we do share one common trait: The love of helping others.“
An ode to @Fadoua, by (@Isha): “Truly remarkable! Her extensive knowledge is impressive and she always looks for opportunities to share her learnings with her Community family. On a personal note, she loves games, photography, painting on glass, and going to Taekwondo. Perseverance was front and center when she returned to Taekwondo after a 2-year hiatus. She suffers from a debilitating case of Vertigo but she mustered all her strength to return to her practice and is committed to picking up where she left off. Let’s give her a big round of applause and a huge thank you! :👏