I am doing some work on migrating data from TWiki to Confluence. On the TWiki specific page for UWC (https://studio.plugins.atlassian.com/wiki/display/UWC/UWC+TWiki+Notes) it says: Attachments ...
We have a confluence wiki version 4 and wanted to migrate to a version 3. But since we don't own the destination we need to migrate and thought UWC might be suitable. However, it appears we can't con...
I have a Redmine setup that I'd like to migrate to an Atlassian platform. I've seen a few leads on how to migrate Redmine issues into JIRA, but I've not seen anything on migrating Redmine wiki conten...
I am trying to import pages with filenames like: 1.13.4_(projectdomain.tld)-1.txt 1.13.4_(projectdomain.tld)-2.txt The content is imported correctly, but the pagename is "1.13.4_(projectdomain",...
I want to import excel spread sheets I have into Conflunce. The Confluence Documentation says you can: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Importing+Content+Into+Confluence. However, I see n...
What is the best way to convert and import content into Confluence from Wikispaces.com? I am using the UWC. I have it downloaded to my computer. What do I export from Wikispaces.com? And, whe...
today I tried to start UWC in case of a testing transition and it just starts in a pure grey box without drawing some context on it, I had similiar issues on another java tool and fixed it with start...
I have verified that I have java ver 7 installed on windows 7, but run_uwc.bat only opens up a terminal for a fraction of a second then disappears. Running as administrator does not change anything.
The Confluce import documentation says: Confluence OnDemand can only import spaces that are exported from a Confluence instance of the same major version So I thought I could use UWC to gener...
When running the UWC for converting Dokuwiki content the console window shows the following error "Wiki formatted content can no longer be retrieved from this API. Please use the version 2 API." ...
I am using uwc (3.13.0) for converting our DokuWiki (Release 2010-11-07a "Anteater") using the hierarchy conversion. I have copied the wiki to external local harddisk so I have the folders E:\Deve...
The Universal Wiki Convertor is a great tool in easing the pain of migrating wikis to Confluence and saved me lots of hours in the past. Currently, the page states the following: This project i...
I'm converting from moinmoin to Confluence 4.2. The export seems to go find, but the conversion fails with little explanation. There are some errors about skipped pages, but the real problem appear...
The error seems pretty indicative, my question would be are there plans to adapt the UWC for this? Complete error is below: 2012-04-11 17:29:11,056 INFO [Thread-4] - page added may already exis...
Hi, a java or perl regex with a { in the converter line never seems to match f.e. TWiki.6600.maketext2bold.java-regex=%MAKETEXT\{\"(.*?)\"\}{replace-with}*$1* i then tested with TWiki.6600.ma...
Hi all, I have successfully converted mediawiki files with uwc. But afterwards I have to modify them for special purposes. Though I want to know if there is a possibiity to only upload the pages ...
Is the UDMF plugin the only way to change the author of pages imported to Confluence (aside from directly using SQL commands)? Is there some client.execute(Confluence1.changeauthor) or client.execu...
When I run the Universal Wiki Converter to import from my current Wiki to Confluence I'm receiving the error: WARN Failure executing remote method: movePage: You do not have the permission to perfo...
Getting the following error when trying to use the CLI to convert a Twiki for Confluence 4.1.4: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError at java.util.regex.Pattern.sequence(...
I have a team that would like to convert their SharePoint wiki into Confluence. It appears I can do this using either WebDav or the UWC. Does anyone have any experience with converting SharePoint? An...
Does Confluence support hyperlinks to pages that don't have a "http" or "ftp" in front of it? For instance, svn or starteam links?
In our MediaWiki server, we have hundreds of hyperlinks that have illegal characters in the URL. Specifically, the illegal characters are: / : ; Is there any work-around or process for gett...
What is the best way to convert local links in DekiWiki (MindTouch) to anchors for Confluence? Internal links appear to convert correctly when the header title is "linkname" as in this example: <a...
Hi, I am importing our wiki from MoinMoin (1.2.3) to Confluence 4.0.3. I am encountering serveral error while importing. 1) UWC imported some portion of files but the pages have just the edit...
Is there a way to take the converted pages of UWC, run them through a script to tie up any loose ends, and then use UWC to import all of them into Confluence?
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