I've added a "User profile macro" to my Confluence page but when a not-logged-in user visits the page the macro just outputs "The content of this macro can only be viewed by users who have logged i...
Hello, Is it possible to include macros in templates in Confluence 4? I'm creating Space tempates, and would like to have things like the table of contents macro automatically inserted. T...
...he "user macro", which no longer appears to support wiki markup as an output format (just HTML now). I have a series of macro's that were created (not by myself) which are all using standard wiki m...
...very product we sell, for example the System Requirements section. In Confluence, using macros, we can create a master page and then include the sections that we need using these macros {include} {e...
Hi folks - it seems to me that I've seen a plugin or macro that allows one to apply a label or labels to an entire tree of pages. But I've been searching in the Plugins site to no avail. Did I j...
The {contentbylabel} macro seems great, but if there are more results available than the specified display limit, it just displays a message that tells the user that they are seeing only a partial l...
Hello I am attempting to use the checlists plugin. What I want, and according to the docs it should function, is to edit an input field on the check list and this will in turn update the chld pag...
Hello, I woul like to creat a link opening directly the pop up parameters of a defined macro, without having to click « insert macro » and after searching the macro in the macro browser. I w...
This question is about the forum macro part of the community bubble plugin. Is it possible to have layered forum structure? Im trying to make a homepage forum which divides into other smaller f...
Hi guys. I have the bubbles plugin installed but the macros aren't working. It doesn't give me an error but nothing seems to show up.
Hi! I am trying to figure out how I can show a list of documents that have been labeled with "specific_label". The "Blog Post" macro, is doing more or less what I want. However, on my dashboard t...
...t; </parameters> .... But this dont work... is any way to set label and description for input macro parameters? Second question: Is possible disable input field (parameter) with name "B...
Is it possible for plugin macros to return wiki markup as user macros do? I have tried outputting wiki markup but it just renders as plain text.
...roject does not exist or you do not have permission to view it. I tried the example from Atlassian (http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/JIRA+Issues+Macro)<span< a=""> class="error">w...
I'm working on a macro that I would like to print the title, an except from and a link to some article (from any space). It is designed to be used on the Dashboard to highlight articles of interest....
We have clients who use our Confluence and we ask all of them to put their company name into their department. It would be great if someone (please!) could write a macro that would print a list of u...
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