Hi All, I am note sure if it is 100% Sourcetree doing this, but when I use Sourcetree with Labview's LVMerge tool, I notice that something is creating 4 files, Back, Base, Local, and Remote. H...
...ourcetree"] cmd = 'C:/Program Files/National Instruments/Shared/LabVIEW Compare/LVCompare.exe' \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" I can run the tool from the git bash command line successfully, and I can see t...
Hi, I'm using SourceTree I use external diff/merge(LVCompare, LVMerge) tool to work with my LabVIEW files. These external tools need the absolute path of the files I want to c...
I've seen examples on how to set up tortoisegit with labview's lvcompare.exe, but I don't see anywhere I can do something similar on sourcetree/ For those that maybe aren't familiar, labview i...
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