I am trying to draw a diagram with embedded links. I tried graphviz and mermaid, in both links when you click - open a blank page. But if I right-click on it with mouse - it opens the proper page. S...
...et’s take a look. UML and DOT 101 There’s a short opening paragraph which explains the very basics of what UML and DOT are (languages), what Graphviz is (both a rendering engine and a Confluence m...
...implified and “anonymized.” Note: To replicate these diagrams, you may need to adjust the syntax slightly depending on your versions of Confluence, GraphViz.exe, and macros mentioned below. D...
It seems graphviz (specifcally, `dot`) is not installed by default. Is there an easy way to request it be available for my pipeline? I am using `sphinx.ext.graphviz` to display some diagrams which a...
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