Where do I download Crucible and Fisheye for Linuxx?
How to set this to false. We do not have a proxy in front of fisheye and httponly is set to true. We are having multiple issues.
Our development team uses Crucible in-house with the database on a SQL Server 2014 instance. As this SQL version has recently reached end-of-life we are looking to retire the server. Before simply mi...
I have just installed Fisheye+Crucible (as docker container "atlassian/crucible") for evaluation. We are evaluating this as start with one product which has code on two SVN repositories. Both SVN re...
I have the same problem described at: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Fisheye-Crucible-questions/Failed-to-setup-git-executable/qaq-p/112217 When I want to set the Git executable on Crucible whi...
code provided by japanes clients is saved on svn, comments are written in S-JLS. we are using crucible to check codes saved on svn, but it would not display properly. how do ...
Hi, We have issue of taking a long time when loading project pages and just project pages. It takes 10-18 minutes, depending on how big the project is. The server and database server performance ar...
S-JISで記載されたSWコードSVNに保存。 SVN上のコードをcrucibleで読み込むと文字化けする。 crucible表示する文字コードをS-JISに変更するにはどのようにすればよいか?
Hi. We appear to have experienced some corruption with our Crucible server. Starting the Atlassian Crucible service immediately stops. The config.xml file is 15KB and full of nulls. The cru...
After a new install of Crucible. I opened localhost:8060/admin and placed my licence key. After that each time i open it now it is blank with the link being. "/setup/jiraConnect.do" Tried to...
I would like to request for the two products: - Atlassian Crucible, version 4.8.15 - Atlassian Crucible, version 4.8.14 We currently have an outstanding issue with Kantega SSO app that does not fu...
If I use SVN repositories for code review projects, with some repositories only the first commit entry is shown. I suppose that it can have to do with the property change of the repository, because I...
Atlassian gives me a new license key but when i want to install it i obtain the message "The Crucible Licence Key you have entred is invalid" My Server ID is: BPSX-7SN0-77P3-L65N My SEN is:&nb...
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