Happy Wednesday Merry Christmas Everyone! A tradition in our house, is to leave milk and cookies out for Santa. The kids always love helping to put a plate and glass of milk out with the excitement...
It's Thursday! End of the year is fast approaching. Some use that opportunity to do some cleaning in Confluence, Jira, etc. Sooooo, what are some of your Atlassian December cleani...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! We did one of these last year around Christmas time and I found the story extremely funny, so I thought we’d do it again! For anyone new, I will start with the first line ...
It's Thursday! Alrighteo, let's settle this once and for all. I grew up in the 70's and 80's in Iceland and there were not too many artificial trees around (or they were expensive) so we alway...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Over the weekend, the kids were writing their letters to Santa to tell him what they would like this year. I know that I asked this question last year and it was very well...
It's Thursday! I grew up in Iceland and my parents would count down to Christmas starting with the first Sunday in advent. She would make a wreath, similar to the one in this picture, with 4 c...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! In case you missed it, registration for Team '25 opened yesterday! A couple of exciting things about this: First, it will NOT be in Vegas! This coming year will ...
Hello Everyone! I wanted to try something a little different this month. I feel like this round up has been getting a little lengthy. I still think this a very valuable but I want to bring it back ...
It's Thursday! It's Thanksgiving already again! Amazing how fast time flies. Feels like fall just started... For those of you who celebrate it, happy Thanksgiving! Hope your holiday is ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! In case you missed the official announcement, Designations are now LIVE! What does this mean? If you previously held or were looking to earn the title of “Atlassian Certif...
It's Thursday! When one of our daughters was young, she used to take the corner of her pillow case and rub it around her eyes and ears when she was tired and wanted to fall asleep. Sometimes s...
It's Thursday! This week´s #TBT is inspired by @Dan Breyen ´s comment couple weeks ago. He asked if we had ever tried tick or treating knowing a blizzard was coming. Well, he has! ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Are you aware of Kudos? That’s Atlassian’s gamification system here in the online community. You can access it from the menu in the top right corner next to your profile i...
It's Thursday! Last week was my daughter's birthday and one of our neighbor gave her over 30 lbs. of ground game meat (minced meat)! So, that got me thinking what would be some good ground gam...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! I work with some exceptionally funny people. An "argument" broke out (and by that I mean a series of memes were posted) in a non-work channel about when Hal...
Hello Everyone! It’s that time once again to take a look at everything that has happened in the past month! From major events, to product announcements, to amazing people providing great tips &...
It's Thursday! Amazing that it´s Halloween already! This year has really flown by. Last year, I asked about your favorite Halloween candy. If you didn't comment or want to update your comment ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Personally, I think it’s always important to continue to learn new things. It doesn’t always have to ben with the goal of monetary gain, but just to keep your mind active ...
It's Thursday! Last week, I went on a men's boot camp down in Williams, AZ. It was so awesome. Got to know great men and sweet brotherhood formed. It was held in a facility that holds summer c...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! We all started our community journeys at different times for different reasons, and I thought it might be fun to have everyone share how they got started. For those ...
It's Thursday! Last month, I drove from Utah to the other end of Nebraska. 14 hours in the car. We only stopped twice, which is amazing! Longer yet was when we moved from snowy Utah to sunn...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! This coming weekend I will be taking part in a 24 hour charity event. Unlike some of the past years where I have run everything by myself at home. This year I’m joining th...
It's Thursday! I lived in the same house until I was 11 years old, then we moved. I remember that in this first house, the TV was in a kind of a family room in the basement. In Iceland, we onl...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! Team '24 Europe is happening right now! If you are there in person I hope you are having a wonderful time! Unfortunately, I am unable to attend this one, I only get approv...
It's Thursday! My mother-in-law, who has been visiting with us for the last 3 weeks, just left for Iceland. As I put her suitcase in the trunk of our car, I admired her brand new suitcase. Loo...
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