I would like to import data into a database that uses Entry Link and Entry Details to populate certain fields. If I try to import data from csv, these Entry fields can't be assigned to a csv field....
For the dropdown field we're able to color code the content (though there is very little flexibility there compared to competitors). So why when I bring that content into another database do I only s...
I have created a database to track some tasks ongoing on Confluence (tasks regarding creating and maintaining documentation). Each task is a separate entry in the database, sorted by status. H...
A user deleted entries in a database last Friday, 4/26, and then entered new information. We need to recover and restore the previous entries as they have significant historical importance. I ...
...ase the contact person changes. Instead we just have to adjust 1 database entry. This database also allows us to "search" for a topic and find the contact. The database is used in every template t...
If you change the source database for an Entry Link column all data in that column is immediately wiped. Due to no version history functionality, that data is gone forever. Even if you select the s...
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