...hat went into what to build when. Was Compass used to track components, did that assist in testing, CICD, etc. Make it transparent so people can learn how Atlassian uses best practices within t...
...onitors - Slack Onesignal - Integration with Google Analytics for Firebase Sentry integration with GitHub, Slack, and Jira. Compass | Mission control for your distributed a...
...ntegration with Slack and Jira. Postman Monitors - Slack Onesignal - Integration with Google Analytics for Firebase Sentry integration with GitHub, Slack, and Jira. Compass...
...iscovery, Compass, Atlas and more! Spring Atlassian Tools Roundtable - ACE Leaders & You Spring is here and it's the time for your annual "Jira & Confluence cleanup" and Atlassian's a...
...as Vegas? The NYC Community Leader, Andy, will lead a recap of Atlassian's top announcements and interesting sessions! Learn about the new product launches - Atlas and Compass - and latest feature u...
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