Hi, I'm just saying hi after just joining this group. I'm a long time agile practitioner and trainer and now run delivery teams inside a consulting business. I've also been involved running a region...
Hello Everyone, I'm Sagar Zilpe, and I'm thrilled to join this community! As someone passionate about enhancing productivity and fostering collaboration, I'd love to start a discussion on "Innovativ...
Hello dear Atlassian Community, First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Julia from Refined (formerly from Tempo and ALM Works). You should get used to seeing my face around here a...
....com/t5/Feedback-Forum-articles/How-to-become-an-Atlassian-Community-Leader/ba-p/658008 I want you to please have a look to my profile. Let me know if I need to do something else to apply for this. R...
Hello dear Bengaluru, I'm happy to announce December month's Visakhapatnam chapter online events. 7th Dec: https://ace.atlassian.com/events/details/atlassian-visakhapatnam-presents-jira-cloud-...
A few minutes after I was given the Community Champion “Title”, all kinds of “what ifs” started going through my brain. I wish I reached out to the community managers, asked my questions and saved my...
As a recent and proud Community Champion, I'm glad to help people out on Community, but to be honest it's my first-ever online community real experience. You see where I'm going...? There are ma...
AUG Nairobi is an award-winning community. (MOST ACTIVE in EMEA 2017-Atlassian Summit Europe 2017) and (Global MASTER OF CONVERSION WINNER 2017-Atlassian Summit US 2017). The Atlassian User Group Nai...
This is Billy's introduction. I've been with the Atlassian User Group, NOVA and DC for a while now. First becoming a member back in 2013 and then a Leader in 2014. The best p...
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