Hi, I'm using ScriptRunner to write a Pre-receive hook. In this customized script, I used the matchingChangsCollector. But there is an error show - [Static type checking] - Cannot call java.ut...
...uppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") @Override public Object perform() { pullRequestService.merge(new PullRequestMergeRequest.Builder(pullRequest).message("Automatically merged").build()) } })} Thanks a...
I need a merge check that will enforce the user to merge their feature branch to the dev branch before they merge to the staging branch. So, when they do a pr to staging I want it to check that the c...
Hi I'm trying to check the build status of the last commit in a pull request but can't get the BuildStatusService to get resolved using ComponentLocator.getComponent(BuildStatusService). It always r...
In an effort to encourage helpful commit messages, I'm interested in the best approach to require a specific amount of alpha characters for each commit message. I appreciate the responses - ...
With Bitbucket Server 4.9, repository admins can choose which merge strategies to allow, and set a default merge strategy. The current, default, merge strategy ensures that merge commits are created...
If I'm reading the stash documentation right (https://developer.atlassian.com/static/javadoc/stash/3.9.2/api/reference/com/atlassian/stash/repository/Repository.html) it appears that there is no way ...
...ermission = event.permission // Add projects allowed to be public here def publicProjects = ["test project"] if ((permission == Permission.PROJECT_READ || permission == Permission.PROJECT_WRITE) &&a...
Hi Support, I wrote the following hook script in our Bitbucket for one of the repos, making the system check if commit message contains JIRA issue key string. import com.atlassia...
We have implemented the binary reject control and it works fine if we just push the code for the first time. BUt if we amend the commit to remove the file and push to BBS, it fails to stop the push ....
Hello, I am working on making our pull requests merge automatically if a certain set of conditions are true. However, I have not been successful yet and therefore kindly ask for your help! ...
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