Hello, I'm using bitbucket server/client in my company. When I do cherrypick from pushed commit, I cannot find the target branch from list. Is there any way to show more branches or, specify rules...
Hi, I have a question, situation: I'm in branche(B.) master and I'm trying CherryPick of commit of B. develop which is merge commit(MC.) of B. feature1 into B. develop. SourceTree show me th...
Hi All, In GitLab we have the option to cherrypick the merge request[Cherry Pick Merge Request - GitLab], but I dint see any similar feature to cherry-pick a pull request in Bitbucket. Can someone ...
We've recently moved from TFS to Bitbucket for source control on our team, and I'm finding the absence of a built in mechanism to cherry pick changes for a PR from one branch to another very frustrat...
I'm trying to cherry-pick merged PR. Sourcetree asks for parent, but listed is only one. Selecting this one options ends with error: fatal: Commit XXX is a merge but no -m option was given. Tried...
Hi I wanted to know if it is possible to get a better list of diff changes where the commits cherry-picked between branches are also taken into consideration when giving the output. T...
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