Task management can be a burden. Without proper structure, and accurate tools designed to assist you with monitoring the progress and summarizing the results, it can turn into a never-ending cycle of...
It's not rare for employees to find themselves overwhelmed by a multitude of tasks and responsibilities. Being overwhelmed and overworked can lead to burnout, which is both unpleasant and long-lastin...
Managing your project’s plan in Jira becomes much simpler when you can accurately estimate the effort required to complete tasks. A jira app like Team Planner provides features specifically designed ...
...ff, so you can see how it will impact the team’s capacity. There might be some public holidays occurring during your sprint, and it's worth reflecting that in your plan. To mark a specific day a...
Have you ever felt like your daily Scrum meeting hasn’t gone the way it should have? It might have been due to some common mistakes that make Scrum meetings less effective and, as a result, cost you ...
...his culture, such as publicly recognizing team members who proactively identify and address potential issues, take on additional responsibilities, or contribute innovative ideas. Such recognition m...
As a Project Manager you’re faced with many different challenges every single day. Making plans, assigning tasks, monitoring progress, creating schedules – these are just a few of your responsibiliti...
If you’re working in Scrum, you probably already know that Sprint Planning is one of the most important elements of every successful project. It’s a blueprint creation room, a space where all things ...
Delegating is one of those concepts that seem to be pretty obvious and understandable. One might think it is also a no-miss step for a leader with a team under them. However, in many companies, it do...
Imagine that you plan out a trip for you and a group of friends. You prepare the whole thing by yourself – you research the best route, the most interesting destinations and even the places where you...
Another lengthy day at work makes you slowly lose your sanity? We know how it feels. We’ve been there, too. And, being the passionate problem solvers that we are, we investigated the case, searching ...
We’re thrilled to announce the latest addition to our Team Planner - Resource planning for Jira app: simultaneous editing. This new feature allows multiple users to edit a plan together in real time,...
"Plans are worthless, but planning is everything." The famous quote of Dwight D. Eisenhower can be undoubtedly applied to any area of life, whether personal or professional. It definitely hol...
Whether it is different teams working on many projects for the same client, or one team involved in several unrelated initiatives, working on multiple projects is a common reality in today's fast-pac...
In any project’s plan, there are multiple factors taken into account. Your team’s structure, availability, and interdependent tasks need to be coordinated. Plus, there’s a deadline you must meet. The...
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