We are excited to announce our powerful newest gadget in Dashboard Hub Pro: the Time in Status gadget. Designed to provide comprehensive insights into your Jira issues, this gadget will help you un...
I'm trying to build my perfect stat dashboard, but I met some difficulties, so I need an explanation from devs of Dashboard Hub, as it seems to ask them easier. I found "Created vs Resolved" charts ...
Every one of our customers decides to use Dashboard Hub for Jira based on different needs and use cases. However, there is something, a single use case, that most of them share. Dashboard Hub include...
Hey guys, as a Product Marketing Manager at Appfire, I am excited to share the latest news of one of our best Business Intelligence and Reporting solutions, Dashboard Hub for Jira: Dashboard Hub's c...
If your reporting process is taking too much time and you’re looking for a solution to make reporting on Jira Service Management more effective and productive, take a look at Dashboard Hub’s new cust...
If you need an easier and faster reporting process, aside from more flexibility and customization options for Jira Service Management, you should drop by and check out Dashboard Hub's new customer su...
From zero articles in the community in the last eight years to my third in two weeks: Here you can find the first article featuring the origin of Dashboard Hub and here the Apptoberfest Demo. And the...
"no employees were drunk during the making of this film" Iván García, director of the movie Dashboards to report your team Oktoberfest In this 2-min demo our team shows how you can report...
First of all, I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Gorka, I work as product manager in Appfire. Although this is my first public article in the community, I've been around since 2013. I s...
Hi Team, I have made my filter public and dashboard public too. Users can see this error on the UI when they try to access the dashboard. Also below are the attached Console logs when t...
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