Hey guys, as I was testing the Scroll Office plugin, I tried something, that works completely fine in the Scroll PDF Exporter plugin (V3.5): I tried to use a placeholder inside a placeholder. $scro...
Hello guys, while I was creating a new template for the Scroll PDF Exporter (Version 3.5), I couldn't find any generic way to create a list of tables or a list of images, equal to the TOC. Is there...
Hey I have seen that there is the possibility to define the landscape format for the pages. I am also aware of the possibility to only set landscape format for pages with odd numbers etc. W...
Hi, I was wondering if there is a possibility to create something like an export wizard for the Scroll PDF Exporter Plugin. I really like the placeholders and I also use them for own defined metada...
Hey, I have another question related to the Scroll PDF Exporter plugin. When I include a page using the placeholders, the headings within the included page won't be displayed as headings. They appe...
Hi, I am using the Scroll PDF Exporter to export my confluence pages as PDF. Therefor I want to include the associated version history page, I created for the actual page. This version history is a...
We are using version 3.3.0 of Scroll PDF Exporter. When using the macro Scroll Table Layout, the specified width of the column is not taken over. We also used the following CSS code to prevent that...
Hi, i want to fix this Warning: 2014-04-28 08:02:52,082 WARN [http-443-9] [auth.trustedapps.filter.TrustedApplicationFilterAuthenticator] authenticate Failed to login trusted application [conflue...
Hello everybody, I am new here and I have a question about Toc-tag. I have already read everything here but I have not found the answer for my question. So, I have a TOC in Confluence page for a ...
How do I specify a different font for <pre> and <code>? Do I need to create a custom template as discussed here? http://www.k15t.com/display/HTML/Creating+a+Template
Is there a way to include static content in the table of contents in Scroll PDF Exporter? The current scenario that I have is as follows: A new Content tab has been added in Static Pages (which...
We installed the latest version to find that the expand macro titles do not print to PDF? We cannot create PDF's like this.
Talk objects show up in my PDFs as "(see page )" formatted as a link, but the link doesn't go anywhere and is not editable in Acrobat. The contents of the Talk objects is not exported, which for ...
Text formatted as Monospace in Confluence is rendered as Courier in the PDF. How can I change that? Putting the following in the content formatting CSS has no effect: code { font-family: SourceCode...
Preformatted (<pre>) text appears in the body font in the PDF. How do I specify an appropriate monospace font? I uploaded SourceCodePro and added the following to the content formatting CSS, bu...
The default template is putting page breaks immediately after headers. How do I stop that? Looking at the docs, I get the impression that the following should suppress page breaks after H2 headings...
The default output has all bookmarks expanded. I can collapse them using Acrobat, but I would prefer not to have to do any post-processing.
Hi, I am trying to hide a few elements from the export directly through the css. For example, we are using the Expand macro and we don't want the Click here to expand... text and arrow to show in...
Hi* When i try to export a page to PDF, there is always a blank page only with "Table of contents" written on top. BR
I saw that the renewal is $5. So, is the $10 add on pricing, assuming I'm using OnDemand, $10/month, or $10/year? How often do you have to renew?
Hi, I have executed the Confluence encoding test and checked the file.encoding in the System information page as suggested by Scroll PDF Exporter's documentation. Everything should be fine but sp...
Hi, I'm new to this add-on but what I could not cope with was to prevent page breaks at heading elements of a page. E.g. I have headings at levels 2,3,4 etc in a page. Scroll PDF starts all secti...
You have pages and subpages. Suppose, I restrict subpages to myself (nobody else can see these). Starting from the parent page, someby else (who has the user rights for this parent page) can export...
Hello, Is it possible to get a license (no trial) for the "Scroll PDF Exporter" plugin for our development environment? Or I have to buy another one (I already have a commercial license for 500 use...
We will be downgrading to a lower user license with Confluence, from 2000 to 100. When this is completed, will we have to manually renew the license for all plugins that currently run on the 2000 us...
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