Hi, reading both the Control Freak documentation (https://prnt.sc/enXfWuXFL8bx), and the marketplace page (https://prnt.sc/YWtlOT3Ho0tV), it is described that this plugin offers features that help co...
Hi , Iam unable to set the regular expression for commit message in control freak downloaded from Attlassian marke place for bitbucket cloud. Commit Messages Must Match r...
Prerequisites: - Hundreds of commits in repository - Each commit has git note attached - Each git note has size from hundreds of bytes to a couple of KB and never exceeds size limit. - "Bloc...
We activated the "Jira Policy" and "Jira Ticket Checks" section of Control Freak on repositories which didn't have this section enabled yet, and in some of the repositories the HEAD commit does not s...
Hi, I don't find in audit log any changes about Control Freak Addon. How do I activate it ? Does Control Freak support it.
Hello, I've enabled 2 merge strategies (FF and Squash) and used Control Freak to prevent unsquashed merges to certain branch types. Now Control freak is causing an error ...
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