I'm using the 'content formatting macro - advanced cards' and want to upload my own image for better visual communcation of the category or theme. Issue: When I upload my own image - the who...
I have the script for opening external links in a new tab which is documented at https://confluence.atlassian.com/confkb/how-to-force-links-to-open-in-a-new-window-213518072.html. With thi...
Hi I have created 2 menu using horizontal navigation bar page in inside horizontal navigation bar. I want to link some data from menu 1 to details in menu 2. how to do it?
We upgraded from 5.x to 6.1.1 and since then the previous formatting in the "Header" (Space Tools > Look and Feel") does not work anymore as expected. Especially the following example with a div t...
Do you know if the "header stick" functionality (have the header of a table remain visible when scrolling down the table) works inside a page with tabs? The feature of "header stick" does not wo...
Adaptavist Support, Our customer wants to use your Content Formatting Macro with Conflunece 6.0.0-OD-2016.12.4-1123 as standalone environment. So Is the latest version of Content Formatting Macro...
Hi, I have the following question/problem. The Atlassian Support referred me to you. Iframe macros with "&" parameters in target url are not encoded/decoded correctly when sent to serve...
In the "Lozenge' macro, you can specify an icon to show. However, you need to enter the Wiki Notation for an attached image How do I do this?
I want to try Content Formatting for Confluence but unfortunately although i see it installed I'm unable to enable it. How do I do this?
In the universal plugin manager it says this: The Content Formatting plugin is free to use and does not require a license. Optionally upgrade to the Premium version by clicking t...
We are getting licensing error messages for some Content Formatting macros in our system. We have never received these messages before and we do not show that the license has expired through the Add-...
The plugin claims this: "The Content Formatting plugin is free to use and does not require a license. Optionally upgrade to the Premium version by clicking the 'Buy Now' button and gain acce...
When using an HTML macro to facilitate an iFrame, we get a blank box. We've used several URL's and none work, trying both http and https. Any suggestions as to how to get this to work?
Hi there, I just upgraded my testing server to Confluence 5.9. My pages that have aui-nav bars on them are all a mess. Can someone explain what's going on? Here's a s...
The Adaptavist Content Formatting Macros Plugin doesn't show the "Data Center" label, yet it states that starting with Version 4.2.7 (Version History) it is Data Center compatible. Is it or is...
Hi all, We encounter some problems due to the Content Formatting macro. On this page: https://confluence.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=799015234 This is mentioned: Version 4.2....
How can I disable this? Our confluence instance is not allowed to send data outside of our internal network. The logfile shows the following error messages: [adaptavist.analytics.common.Googl...
Upgrade from 4.2.11 to 4.2.13 (or 4.2.14): Macro gives error message on page: "Error rendering macro 'auibutton' : null" System info: Confluence 5.8.9 Operating System Linux 3.10.0-327.3.1.e...
When we are using a code block macro inside of a round rectangle macro it removes the horizontal scroll bar yet still leaves the page without text wrapping.We faced a bug like this in 5.5.3 and imple...
Are the premium features just simply NOT available for Confluence Cloud instances? Could the site administrator add something in the background to make them accessible? There's got to be some ...
We need to renew our license for Content Formatting Macro. Within the my.atlassian.com website, it says the renewal is $200 for 2000 users. In April we lowered our overall user license to...
With Confluence 5.7.2 and Adaptavist Content Formatting Macros plugin v4.2.7 On Firefox 38.1.0 and Chrome 43.0.2357.132 but not IE11, a page containing an HTML Table macro (from the Adaptavist Conte...
Hi, I have several pages using CSS style sheets and for around 2 weeks now, I have an issue with background images that are not displayed anymore (whereas this worked for several months) I've inser...
I'm using Confluence Cloud and the documentation screen shots under Manage Add-Ons for the pre-installed Adaptavist Content Formatting Macros show a progress bar macro that renders a horizontal progr...
I'm running Confluence Cloud. Last week I used the Adaptavist content formatting macros to successfully create an html table and format it with a CSS. This week it no longer works. It's not rendering...
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