I have a custom field that I'm using in a template in automated release notes. Often there is no value but I still have a label for it. I want to hide the label if there is no value. ...
I have installed a frial trial of the plugin "automated release notes for jira". On the pdf on the bottom there is a info "Powered by Automated release notes for Jira" Is this something that wh...
Hello, October 2022, Office365 will disable basic authentication for Exchange Online. Currently, ARN SMTP configuration for office365 uses basic authentication. Will ARN support modern authenticatio...
Background When you hear the words ‘Release notes’, almost always you think of an unsolicited email from a software vendor. But I am here to tell you that from our data, sending release notes via E...
I am using Automated Release Notes for JIRA by amoeboid. I can set rules for publishing release notes on Mail and Confluence. However when I click on publish for Confluence I receive the following er...
The latest update for Automated Release Notes for Jira (2020-07-17) requires a permission change to allow it act on behalf of a user even when they are offline. What is this for? Also, when we upda...
I'm trying to create a filter with the "Found-In Version" field for a specific release. I'm using the same filter that I've used for other releases but the pull down doesn't provide the r...
Hi all, I have added Jira Automated Release notes plugin to our Jira environment, it works fine with Confluence and Email Setup. However, I wanted to display release notes for our Jira project...
I wanna try a Automated Release Notes for Jira plugin for that want to know the free trail period so that if it does not works as per our need we'll cancel it. thanks in advance.
Hi, I use the Jira Automated Release Notes plugin, and I wonder how to include a Confluence macro (e.g. Page Properties) in the Confluence template. Best regards, Ludovic
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