i my company we want to introduce zephyr for the test management tasks.
currently i'm evaluating, if all requirements can be covered by this tool, or if we need any plug-ins or similar stuff.
Hello Ravi, thanks for the quick response.
currently i'm working with zephyr. it sounds better, than it is, if you read the documentation: you can execute testcases and so on.
in true you cannot excecute any testcase, as there is no test code or binary to execute it. you can manage the status of the execution at all, not more.
the same is for the reporting: currently i cannot get any overview of all executed test cycles, only those for one release.
it is not possible to get any execution summary based on the test steps, as already required by other user since 2013! there is even no response in the thread when this will be implemented - very poor.
i'm playing with the REST API to add any results (PASS / FAILED) of the test excecution to JIRA. so in general it is possible, yes. but not very user-friendly, as the management of the IDs (issue ID, cycle ID, project ID, execuction ID, teststep ID, ...) - very confusing.
further more i have not found any documentations about those items, no diagram or similar.
i'm missing an automatism if entering teststep results to a testcase. if you set all teststeps to PASS, the testcase result becomes PASS to. but this is only the one think working. by setting any teststep result to FAIL, the overall result remains PASS - very strange.
looks like the zephyr developer never use their tool for the test management in real live.
my requirements are simply as all the requirements for the test management:
- define tests (zephyr: very poor, very unflexible, ...)
- trigger test execution (not possible): all tests, one test, failed tests, all / smoke / regression / release tests.
- collect results (only manually, or using REST API)
- create ticket for the developer
- retest FAILED tests (not possible)
- get summary: filter report (i.e. only FAILED tests, ...), get execution time, get avg. duration of the test execution, and so on.
- get report
but no matter, i have to investigate what this tool can do and what cannot.
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