Hello Everyone, today we had an interesting discussion about Good listening skills & this question was raised. I felt it would be nice to share with all of you & hear your opinions about this.
In my view, Hearing is something like passive listening. More like body present but mind absent & Listening is getting involved into the topic.
Best example I could think is "We hear a noise but we listen to Music".
Let me know your thoughts!
Hearing simply happens. Listening leads to learning.
ANd also
Hearing is a skill where you use your ears only. It one of the five senses.
Listening uses different senses, like the sense of hearing, seeing, or sense of touch.
Hearing is about the general everyday sounds around us, like I heard a dog bark, or I heard carn horn, "what's that sound". Whilst listening is about active hearing or mindful about what is happening around us. It requires a higher perception, ie paying close attention to what someone says and comprehending what was said. I once read "Listen is an anagram of Silent", so to listen is to be quite.
Listening is like a sport the more you practice the better you get at it.
Years ago I used to be on calls with various people and dialects and I thought, man these people can't speak. Then I slowed down, listen with focus and was able to communicate.
Hearing is the vehicle that allows you to listen. When you're listening in a conversation, you're not formulating your response.
Listening is an active action, with intent to comprehend. Hearing is passive and takes no skill. I have often had to ask, in response to, "I hear you," "Yes, but are you listening?"
Listening is a deliberate action done willingly, while hearing just happens without us giving our attention.