Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I don't have a thought provoking question, or a good conversation starter this week. I think we can all agree that there is enough going on in the world that our minds have become pre-occupied with other thoughts.
This week all I will leave you with is: "Things are going to get better. I have to believe that they will for the sake of future generations!"
I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@Laurent Loubet @Luciano Allegro lusine.abrahamyan@disqo.com @Martin Labudik @Melissa Wozniak @michelle.purcell @Mileyde Nechworth @mm_ambrogi @phil.harder @Ruth @Samuel Francis @Sean Toomey @Senthil Kuma Pandi @Suman Cherukuri @Tyler Gibson @ล_อกห_ว999999999999999999999999999999999999999 @Ganesh Bhoir @Khushi Sanjaykumar Patel @pedro.o @Akash K @Alejandro Sarmiento @Alessandro @Allen Tong @Amanda Lanigan @Amelie Allain @Anirudh Dobhal @ann.fernandez @Anne Nirojini @aogundimu @Arthur Stanwood @Ashley Leger @Bassant Mossad @Bobby Chill @Casey Shaeffer @Chaitanya B @chennaiminds @Chris Barrett @[deleted] @Christian Preus @Cosmin Smarandescu @Dane Murray @Darren Chappell @David @David Diephuis @Dev2 @Devi Mahalingam @Dragana @Dragos Mosor @Eric McKnight @Erich Stöckli
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@Fernando Oliveira @ffleader1 @Filova, Silvia @Paul Prosser @Florian Nawrath @FMDQ_SUPPORT @Fonderia Sonical @Fátima @Gal Shamir @Giovanni Tirloni @Habib KANNOU @Henry Canastero @HimanshU PrasaD @Isabel Snoeckx @iuk_uk-halle_de @J B @Jay Wolberg @joonchen @Joshua Chu @Jérémy IELSCH @keithm @Kim Burg @Kiranmayi Yalamanchi @Krystina @Luke Davis @Lusii90 @Mallory Reese @Martin Fischer @Martin Pätzold @Martina Bártů @Mathieu Mailhos @md shahed @Megan Schaap @Michael Arnao @Michael Hyde @mohd ikramuddin @Molydoly @Muhsin BAYER @Musab Gulfam @Mustafa Akın @Admin by myOnny @Naeem @nelson @Netanel Mazuz @Nick K_ @Nikhil @Paul @Philipp Nolte @Philippe Durand @[deleted]
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@Piotr Baranowski @Pramod gautam @Rakesh Jajper @Renticar Admin @Reto Pensa @Ritik Banga @Robert Globisch @Sandeep @Sebastian Orosan @Sina Tola @Sinha, Ankita (Contractor) @soniaarora @SRAVANI KISHORE CHEPPALLI @sriramcse31 @Swathi Tulluri @Syafiq Muhammad @Tamilmani @Timothy @Vishnu @Xisca Bascuñana @Z @Zain Khan @_henrik @A McCoy @Abbie.Alcock @Abdelhameed Hassan @Abhilash @Abhishek K J @Ad @Adele Naomi @Adeel Shoukat @Adolfo Suárez @Adrian @Ahmad Jawabra @Ahsan Abrar @Ainul Yaqin @Akinloye Okunola @alex vincent @Ali Raza @Amministrazione @Anastasiia Bondarenko @andertbos @Andrea Goncalves @Andreas Stange @andrew senitz @Anitha Das B @Ankit Kuri @Anna Sternicka @Annie Jernberg @Arash Aghlara
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@ARJUN RAVIKUMAR JAYASREE @Arun Shankar @Asif Mattu @Audrey @Aymeric Nave @BABA, ANGELA @Bag Bad @bakiya raj @Bartosz Grabias @Basmah Alsulami @Beachhairsalon @Ben Klaasen @bhoyt @Blake Duerden @Boris Shkarupelov @Boyka Zhu @BPAA @Braelynn Annalise @Brando Becerril @Branko Zotovic @Brendan Martin @Brian Feeny @Brian Moran @Brian Patterson @Brie Brooks @Bruno Bertucci @bruno.marques @Burson @Cameron Shove @Cameron Sung @Cenna Skulsky @Chong Jing Hong @Chris Astles @Chris Bethea @[deleted] @Cody Claxton @Conor Croke @Daman kaur @Dan H Evans @Dan Korkelia @Daniel Sanchez @Daniel Worrner @Denitsa Stefanova @deriquez @DhanalakshmiM @Diana Bulanda @Dixon Kun @dmackenzie @Alex @durgaprasad.patlolla
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@eclipse69 @Eduardo Labarca @Ekrem Canli @Eric Robinson @Erika Reznik @erkan turan @fahd-85 albahoth @Fanny Zucchinetti @FAST IT @Fengying Ji @ferds @Filipa.Gomes @Fitzroy Joseph @FR Woźniak Joanna @Free Styles @Gearoid O Sullivan @Georg Velten @Gerry Routledge @GuntherLord @HaNen @Hans Kristian Harwart @HanzalaIqbal @Harish Pandurala @[deleted] @Henrik Eibye-Jacobsen @Herzsenáth Kristóf @Himanshu Alwe @Huỳnh Anh Hòa @Héctor Fenoll Malonda @Ian Guyette @IanQ15 @ilyas.jyotsna @Jacci Walker @Jacky @Jacob Williams_TQA @Jakub Krejszeff @James Grise @James Howe @Jason Cobb @Jatin Jaiswal @Jennifer Smith (USM ITSS Staff) @Aiyjaz Ahmad @Jerome Beer @Jerry canlas esguerra @Joe Hakim @John Baxter @John Felleman @Jonathan Goldstein @joneill @Juliana Karlo
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@Justin Roebuck @Karen Glass @Kevin Watson @Kevin Williams @Khanas_ Vladyslav @Kieron Southwood @Kimberly Kanigel @kjain11 @konosuke ninomiya @KPapaj @kranthi.veeranki @Kristina Wolford @Kruthika R @LAETITIA LEMOINE @laura_labarbera @Le Thanh Binh @Leonardo Oliveira da Silva @Lijun_Chen @Linda Thang @Lindsay Joslin @Lini @lisosimar @Lloyd Bullard @Lucas Prater @Lucia Torres Gomez @Luis Ramirez @macmiller @[deleted] @Mahdieh_Taher @Maheshvaran Padiachi @Mahyar Raza @maksim.zavyalov @Malcolm Lindquist @Malik Alis @Manuel Will @Marian Skupski @Marija Robe @Marius Schreuder @Mark S Call @Martin Krebs @Mathias Hausleithner @mathias.osterhagen @Matti Kaivanto @Maurício de Moura dos Santos @Maxence MASSONI @[deleted] @Megi Tedoradze @michael avanzato @Michael Nassette @Miguel Cabrejos
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@Miguel Christofolli Tupan @Mihai Barcsa @Mike @Mike Dawes @Mirta @Misha Kvach @Moise Lucian @Moses Oluwa @MostafaIbraheem09 @Muhammad Talha Abbas @Munir Aatir @Nathaniel Bagnell @[deleted] @Nemanja Tanaskovic @Nicola Douglas @Nicolas Soldi @Thomas Nielsen @Nienke Vos @nigel weinronk @Nirali Shah @Niÿx @Obier @Ola Klackenberg @[deleted] @Paige Strong @Parth Patel @patel rakesh @Patrick Burke @Paul Hartness @ebmpapst @Pav16 PANN @Paweł Filipiak @Pax-NKUNGA @payamka @Pedro Waksman @Peter de Boer @Peter Lingsberg @Peter Notenbaert @Peter Schrot @petraokasza @PixelMaster @Piyush Gawai @PopCorn @Prachi Jadhav @Raif Hafizov @Raju PSR @Rakesh Malireddy @Ramesh Kumar @ravey.matt @Razvan Grigore
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@Rehena___pr @Reiner Gombert @Rejikanth AP @rgi_manning @Rhianna Jackson @Rhys Morgan @Richard Massaioli @Richard Schnyder @Ricoh Company @Robert Flowers @Robert Lynch @Robert Ross @ross nitz @Ruth Eliana Collia @Samia Rashid @Sammy Tang @sanaa @Sandeep Shelar @Satya @Scanjet01 @sduvaultalexandre @Sergey Savchenko @Sergio Checa @Seyed Javad Khoshneshan @Sharon Uziel Zabari @Sheikh Junaid @Shorcara, Sandeep @Shrikant Ahire @Sidney C @Sigurd Sippel @Simon Wilmann @Sirish @sirma er @siva gangari @Sophie Koenig @Steven Francisco Velez Alejo @Stijn Agten @Sue @Suraj.123 Kumar @Susan Haddock @Sush punna @sygnas @Tamay Hanlioglu @Tami Beckett @tammyglan @Tamna Sidhart @Tanner Horn @Tarun Kumar @Tim @Tizi
I'd like to extend a BIG welcome to all of our new Community members this week! We are so happy you are here to join us!
@Tom Boyce @Tom Graber @Tony @Tracy Chen @Tugay Sakaoğlu @Ty Woodruff @Tyler Baird @Usama Nisar @vadiks93 @Vanessa Moynahan @Victoria Costa @vijay kumar @Vishnu Priya Kurasi @Vitalii Stoliarchuk @Vivian Pinto @Vlad Cimpianu @Vladimir Rajacic @WEBMASTER @William LE NORMAND @Wojtek Urbanski @XajeYu @sawada yuka @Yvonne YIN @Максим Кашаев @ماجد سعود @ᏕᎧᏂᏋᏝ ᏒᏗᏁᏗ @喵嘞个咪 @逸夫 潘 @Syed Hamza Ali @ggordon2
Great time for doing it, @Jimmy Seddon
Thank you so much for your kind words and a virtual hug!
Things are going to get better! 💙
Here's mine to you and all Community, buddy! 🤗
It's a really tough time... Thank you for your heartwarming words and hugs! <3
Life is hard for us all right now! Your kindness matters!
Well said.
Thank you for this post and your kind words, @Jimmy Seddon !
A virtual hug from me to all the people going through tough times! Hope you all get through this!
I'm new here. I'm not sure how to navigate here yet.
I like this post. All I can add is....
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"- Aesop.