Happy Wednesday Everyone!
We are in the middle of the Amazing Community Atlympics!
Now is your opportunity to get in on some participation prizes. What I would like you to do is write a comment or add a giphy to encourage & motivate the participants in the Atlyplics to "Go for the gold"!
You have from now until Friday July 30th at 12pm EDT to add your comments. At that time I will randomly select 5 of the comments to win participation prizes.
Also, you can participate in this even if you are registered for the Atlympics.
I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
No matter what happens during the Atlympics, you are all, well & truly......
This GIF should be awarded 1st place in any category worldwide!
Hahaha! Agreed @Teodora V _Fun Inc_ 😅
Go for Gold guys!
G - Guys you are worth it
O - Of course you are Golden
L - Light up
D - Do it !
Wuhooooo !!!(Cheers!!!!)
Don't put a limit on anything.... you got this🏅 !
Go get 'em!
Go, bite the Gold, Atlympians!
Go get them all Atlympians!!
Happy Friday Everyone!
Thank you all for participating and encouraging the Atlympic participants. I drew 5 random numbers that match the order in which you posted.
Congratulations to @Fun Man Andy @Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck @Teodora V _Fun Inc_ @Taranjeet Singh @Kishan Sharma!
You have all won a $25 gift card. Expect to see an email from @Community Manager early next week!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks @Jimmy Seddon !
I've been lucky here, thank you so much @Jimmy Seddon Happy weekend :)
Wooh Wooh Wooh!!!! Ragtags Represent! 🌟🏆👏
Thank you @Jimmy Seddon 👍
That is very cool. Have a great rest of the week!
I'm winning, I'm winning! :))))
Go Atlympians! And well done to all the winners :-)