In case you may have missed it, the theme for this month is Jira July! There is a post about everything the Community team is hosting this month over here.
If this is the first you are reading about it, you already missed #JiraAdminAppreciationDay last Friday.
However, today is the last day to enter in the Haiku contest, so you should head on over and take part in that!
In addition to that, the Atlassian team is looking for people to contribute to the Configuration Diary and for Admins to sign up to be featured in the monthly #JiraHeroes campaign.
There is also still more to come, so go check it out!
Have a great rest of the week!
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@duswill91 @EddieCM_Chuang @Emily Smokoff @Harel Amsalem @Jakov Kalashnikov @M_kulshershtha @mhobbs @Mo Sajjad @Nadezhda Vikenteva @Nayana Thara B @NUR ALIYA BINTI ROZLAN _ HPUPM @ola ogunsola @Oleg Kurts @Ricardo Carbajal @Roman A_ @Ruben Louwes @Samir Koirala @Stephan Haas @Surya Alahari @Wendy Davis @Yahm Levi-Firseck @a.jaitly @Abraham Pérez @Aideen Kelly @akamel_salim @alfered marshal @Alina Borzakovskaa @Altair Rey Emia @Andy @Anna Apalikova @anta18 @Antam Tour @Aurela Omaj @badsteel @Becca Moss @Carlos Patón @cloudmanager135 @Daniel Schimanek @Daniel zilka @Deena Nath @developer2022 @djedjethai @Emmanuel de la Rosa Pita @Erna Putri Utami @Furkan Salkım @Giuseppe F @Gordon Hayes @Gregor_Naeckel @Guy Marelly @Hendrik Moens
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@hodalo @Ian Jia Ern Khoo @Igor Kolybaev @jcashman55 @Jeff Maelstrom @Jocelyn_Yoswara @Jonathan Akhondi @Jonathan Goga @Jouni Hyötylä @Juan Castillo @Julia Lords @Srinivas @Keegan Mccormack @Keith Mangold @Lawrence_Trudeau @Leslie @Lisa Brogan @LJTrimble @Lorenzo Morando @Lucile Besnard @M_ Glass @Manny Singh @Maria Laura Borra @Marta Gregorczyk @Matt Chau @Md.Mahade Hassan @Megan Villanueva @[deleted] @MO @Mohamed Bakr @Namita K @Nicole Paul @[deleted] @Ole Körner @Once @oscar.morgan @Pablo Leiva @Pooja Garg @Projetos EngHibrida @Raj_253 @Ravi Kumar Dega @reimer_prochnow @Richard Swan @Rob Armstrong @robert_gosztyla @Rodrigo Garcia @Roman Sokolov @Ruben @Rui Lopes @s.akbarov
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@Sharonda Davenport @Shashi Reddy @SOMASEKHAR RAO AMMITI @Surya Chowdary @Tanvir Hossain @Tatsuro Shimada @Ueli Jermann @Umagayathri Vasu @venkat prasad chary @Vera Sinnamon @vikas.gupta @Virgilio Muelas @yunsim @yuweiming @Zeb Rodes @Cameron Poirier @Finn @Jason Allen @Konstantinos Birtachas @lusiqi @QiangShen @rahim çelik @rram12 @Alie Sesay @Corey Blanding @A_Bourque @abcd941004 @Abdelfatteh Sakkat @Abdulaziz Al-Rashidi @Abozrfizi @Adrian Pilling @anunes @Agasti Sahu @Ahmet AKDEL @Akarshi Taneja @Alan Leonhardt @alex simon @Oleksandr Levytskyi @AlexWijnbeek @Ali Raza @Amal_bns @Ana Paula Pinheiro @Andries Maritz @Andy Southey @andy_tsoi @Ankit Sharma @Anmol Agarwal @Anna Nikolova (CEIC - BG) @Annesh Singh @Anson Osbourne
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@Anurag Tamrakar @Anya Francheska Maramara @Apurv Dhadankar @Archit @Armando Gomez @Armando Moncayo @AS @asd @Ashish Jain @Ashland Stansbury @[deleted] @Ayesha Khabib @Beiby Viona @benjamin easter @Bien Barroque @Bogdan Baditoiu @Bohdan Mart @bradlarsonppco @Bradlex @Bradley @Brian Hoblin @Brooklyn Nichols @bruno7antunes @bug bounty @c053127 @Caitlin Wintaur @Cameron Compton @canand @CANISFOOD2022 @Carissa Mundt @Carlos Gutiérrez @cate_holeman @Celeste Ramirez @Champers Fu @Chandler Warren @Chatkwun Plangsorn @Chelsea Amburgey @Chinmayee Pradhan @Chloe Huish @Chris Campbell @Chris Tellez @christine Zilinski @cjard @Cole Tierney @Céline Greco @Dagmar @Daniel @Daniel Asto @Daniel Brown @Daniel Depetris
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@Darren Bell @Dauren Kurkenov @David @David Eichelberger @Deckar Montiel @dennis reid @Derrix Reynolds @Desarrollo Cognition @Dev Ops @Dhairya Shah @Didier Clerc @Digital Jhanavi @Dina Abushaban @Dishika Tyagi @Dmitry @edwin.tse @Eldad Ambar @Eldiiar Egemberdiev @emailsupports @Emily Olson-Gault @Eric Noguchi @Eric S_ Periard @Erin Suermann @Erynne Rasheed @Eswar Prasad @Fana @Farzad NAIBI @Florence Ogunbore @Francois Fisette @Gabriel Moraes Pacheco de Oliveira @George Li @Giyu @Glen Adamson @Glendon Wright @Glenn Williams @Gokulkrishnan M @Greg Johnson @Hiromi Kobayashi @hiten.rajpal @Igor Kiselev @Isaac Kubas @Isabela Isa @Jake Scherer @janewn2 @Jannis Hamann @jascool (L) @Jasmine Seren-Rosso @Jason Abofsky @Javen Thompson @Jayson Larner
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@Jeanne Collins @Jdunham @jenny.jordahl @JoAnne Martinez @Joao Jaime @John Noonan @John Tabb @Jose Castellano @Joshua Rich @jsarra @Julian Trageser @june_l @K P @Karen Diggs @Karen Yu @Karine Lima @KATE OKEKE @Kath Milo @Kathie Stiner @Kathryn Kochenower @Keisha Walters @Keshava GN @KG Performance Training @Krishna Kumar Yadav @KROGER Ansgar @Krupal Jawanjal @ktm02041010 @Kunal Sanyal @Kuzumi Ichigo @Kyan Rowse @Kyle Johnson @L_ Silberstein @Laura Barbier @lenerg gonzalez @Levina Lesmana @Lharbinson @Liz Ralph @Lucas Avanci Gaudio @Luis Rodrigo Tayupanda @Luka Basic @m_maragliano @Machado, Christina @Mahesh Mahale @Maksym Radchenko @Malarmannan @ManniStudio @Manuel Ramirez-Evrard @Maoz Rechav @Margarita Trujillo
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@Mariana Silveira Sales @Mark Dockham @Mark Thorp @Marrshonn Cousins @Martin Waldhart @Martyna Kukla @Mathilde Lea @Matt Cosgrove @Matt Lemons @Maxwell Stephens @Merryn Padgett @mia @[deleted] @Michael @Michael Macchiaroli @Milorad @misie @Matthew McGarity @Moses CHOUGULE @Muhammad S Maromi @Mykola Nahorniak @Nada Alzahrani @Nandori Tamas @Nataliia Dovgal @nazim ali @Neoprint Soluções Impressas @Nicholas Teutonico @nilotpal.mrinal @Nyaisa Deverger @OJo Stanley Aletil @[deleted] @Olivier de Montalembert @Ozgur Altuntas @p.borloz @paolo de luca @Paul Scott @Paulo Cardoso @Pedro Parellada @Peter Lobley @Phu Hoang @Pirate _ @pomytkingena1994 @praba @Prachi Mahapatra @Przemysław Stański @R Das @R P @Rahul Rajput @RajKumar @rajy rajeeve
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@Rakesh Jajper @Ravyar Aram @Rezhwan Kamal @rhollingshead @RJ Martinez @Rob Boyce @Rob Coenen @Rod Shaddeau @Rokkup-Tom @Ryan Hartmann @Sam Tsao @Sasha Shahrabi @Seth Faeder @Shahrul Saifuddin @Shane Flood @Sharath T K (Consultant) @Shumylo Viktor @Shweta Gulati @SHYAM KUMAR @siddartha.kura @Sidne George @SimonMa @Soren Ebbesen @sprawka_d @Sreepriya Unnikrishnan @Srividya Sirigireddy @Stian Fagereng @Susi Calderon @Susie Huxford @Swift India
I'd like to extend a big welcome to all of our new community members! We're glad to have you here!
@Syed Mahbubur Rahman @Taevi Wilson @Tawan Srithong @Tecnico2 Temeyco @Tessa Barbour @thuocdactri247 @Tomer Ben Arye @toni linkaaa @Trevor @Uriel Campos @utho ji @Varun Seshadrinathan @Vikas Thorat @vinod lalwani @Walter Feddern @William Bailey @Wojciech Gaudnik @Yolanda Galera @Zaheer ali @zw t @Василий Теркин @Владимир Белгородский @Илья Мочалин @Максим Бернацький @Светлана @Таджик Таджиковичанович @Юлия Новик @zhang @Karunakar R Mandadi
Thanks for welcoming us !!
Marketing Spam Mode activated... #WinnerWinner #HaikuDinner 😅
In all honesty the only reason I'm here is because I'm used to use SourceTree for work, and since I've found a bug I'd like to be fixed I was FORCED to register in order to report it.
It would be very nice if somebody could post an update on it :
Thank you for sharing all that information, @Jimmy Seddon !
Have a great Wednesday and rest of the week, everyone!
Thanks for all the info @Jimmy Seddon - great digest of events happening!