Hello Everyone & Happy Wednesday!
I apologize for not having made one of these posts in a while. In my little corner or the world (that is usually frozen by now) the holiday season is in full swing! The stores are decorated, the music is playing and my 5 year old is getting excited!
In years gone by, my wife and I would at many times opt to work through the holidays, including signing up for holiday coverage for lieu days at our respective companies to take the time together at a later time. I enjoyed this because most people were out of the office so you had some really good focus time.
Now that I have two little ones, I've gotten in the habbit of saving my vacation days and taking almost 3 weeks off (when you add stat holidays) around Christmas. I take a couple of days off ahead of Christmas break while the kids are still in school/daycare to have some time to myself, and then I have plenty of time to be at home with them.
My question for everyone this week is, which camp are you in? Do you prefer to have some quiet time to get work done without distractions? Or do you prefer to take as many days off as possible?
I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!
Have a great rest of the week!
Mix for me as well. I have no little ones to make memories with, and my spouse works in the news industry, which does not slow down for holidays. So it would be very easy to just throw myself into my work at this time.
I'd been planning on taking a few extra days aside from the Christmas holiday but hadn't said anything to my supervisor. I'm very appreciative that he reached out on his own to ask if I wanted to take some days - encouraging the team to find work/life balance.
So with that nudge, I went ahead and put a few vacation days on my calendar, but I'll also have a few final days of focused productivity to close out the year.
I've lined up a combination of leave days and public holidays to visit family for Christmas, but I'll still have a couple of those ultra-quiet days at the office between that and New Year.
I'm expecting it to be good focus time and enable to get a writing task or two off my backlog.
I was a big fan of working between Christmas and New year when I was still employed. It was a really good time to just finish all the things that piled up in a quiet and much less stressful period :)
However, since working for myself Christmas period is the only one when I can truly switch off from work because I know literary nothing is going to happen :))