I have been reviewing Jira as an add-on to our Asana. What is frustrating, is that I am uncertain as to what would be best to address our needs, as well as, costs. I have looked to find someone from Atlassian to help in this regard and cannot find anyone. Read a few reviews where people were saying that it is difficult if not impossible to find any support. Do you have any comments and/or suggestions in this regard.
Thanking you in advance.
Thank you so much - I will review the links.
Our company is small with two developers right now. I have been mandated to find a scheduling/queuing and invoicing system. We are using Asana and our current developer recommended Jira. Because most in our office are familiar with Asana I am hopeful that tasks can be created either within Asana to Jira or vice versa.
There would only be myself managing and the two developers at this time but have plans to add a few more developers in the near future. Hope this helps.
Jira doesn’t have a billing system.
More specifically, I will not be using a billing function for clients. What I am looking for is a way to track our developer time, billable hours and project costs. Do you have a recommendation that could be used as an add-on for Jira?
Thank you
This is commonly done using Tempo https://marketplace.atlassian.com/vendors/6558/tempo-for-jira
I don't know much about Asana, but a quick look at the integrations for that application seems to indicate that a JIRA Cloud instance would be necessary.
If confirmed, that would direct you to that as your platform. Pricing normally would be $10/month for a team your size but I believe right now teams up to 10 users are free to set up.
Thank you again - I am going to need a billing system - is there one with Jira and if so, would it require that I upgrade my account. Where would I find the billing system.
To speak to your concerns about support...
The Atlassian support model is different than the standard "help desk" style support that many other software companies use, and it can take some getting used to.
What help desks commonly refer to as "Level One" support for Atlassian products is this community. If you make this your "go to" place for asking questions and getting technical support I think you will find that it is more effective than the typical troubleshooting script most help desks use. There are some incredibly talented users and volunteer Community Leaders that participate in these forums, and many questions are answered very quickly.
When one leader is not able to answer a question or help with an issue we'll call in reinforcements from other leaders. We have a Slack channel that we use to talk about questions in the Community all the time. We can also reach out to Atlassian experts when needed if there is a specific question only they can resolve (usually around licensing)
Finally, there is the https://support.atlassian.com/ site. This is for contacting Atlassian directly, I use it for billing questions, reporting defects, requesting enhancements, etc.
I've worked as a help desk agent in the past, served as an escalation point for "level 3" type questions for software, and for the last two years I've used the Community as my first stop for Atlassian support. I've found the Community to be more effective at providing support and advice than most help desks I've worked with, both as an employee and as a customer.
It sounds like you need a timesheet application. My current and previous jobs have been at consultancies that use Replicon which is a totally separate product. It's ok but highly customisable so you can implement it badly and cause yourself a lot of pain further down the line.
There are timesheet add-ons on Atlassian Marketplace that you could try out. I haven't had chance yet but go with a top vendor and check the reviews and you should be ok.
Alternatively you could create your own report in a Google sheet. This is what I would do if I needed to start tracking billable hours budgeted and time spent by developer etc.
There is a gsheet add-on that is free and allows you to pull all of the data from Jira into the sheet, or choose the columns and filters you need. I've created some very handy reports to track the amount of time my developers are recording against different projects.
You can schedule the sheet to refresh daily and build some charts off it to create simple dashboards that you can share with your team.
This will only scale so far but for a small team to help you solidify your sales ops, Portfolio/project management and Billing, it would be a low cost option.
Thanks for jumping in with so many great suggestions, y'all!
@Auto_Shield_Canada If you need to create invoices from Jira from logged time, you can use the Clerk Invoices addon. It is done right for this task.
I'm the author of this addon. Just let me know if you will have any questions!
@Anton Skorniakov Hey, Anton! Just a heads up that if you are affiliated with this add-on, you need to disclose that in any messages, per our guidelines. Thanks!