Hi Im quite a noob on confluence. Im a application analyst at Combitech, working now as project manager at Inera and swedish military on security systems; PKI and development. I live in Upplands Väsby, its between Stockholm and Uppsala.
Hi I am also new and trying to figure out how this all works!
Welcome @Per-Arne Ekfeldt and @Gabrielle G you can check out all the Confluence related articles and posts here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence/ct-p/confluence
Here are some videos that might help you to get started: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence/ct-p/confluence?tab=videos
We also quite a few events coming up on Confluence hosted by our Community Leaders, you can select Confluence from the Event Tag dropdown and filter relevant events and since the majority of these events are virtual you can attend what suits your schedule the best.
Happy Wednesday!
@Per-Arne Ekfeldt Welcome to the community.
You can take a look at some free training here: https://training.atlassian.com/free-training-catalog
Confluence Basics is a great way to get started.
Welcome to the Atlassian Community, @Per-Arne Ekfeldt ! Hope you have a great learning experience here!
@Per-Arne Ekfeldt Welcome, welcome! 🎉