Jira roadmap, board and workflow

Alex_Fyfe April 16, 2020


I'm new to Jira and have just started working through the online training courses which are great.

I have a few queries which I hope you'll assist with.

1. How are Jira roadmaps, boards and workflows linked? If so then how. Do you use all 3 or       just the one option e.g. Jira Board.

2, When creating an issue can you add an "to be completed by date"?

3. Am I correct that story points are a total score based on the priority level of an issue? I         noticed story points didn't appear on the next-gen project I created.

4, Am I correct that Scrum is a framework for agile project management that uses fixed-           length iterations of work, called sprints and that Kanban is a framework for agile project       management that matches the work to the team's capacity? Is the only difference that         Kanban doesn't use the backlog queue and sprints? If so, why have the two options?   

Apologies for the long first message.

Kind Regards,




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John Funk
Community Leader
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April 16, 2020

Hi Alex - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I will try to answer each of your questions.

1. Roadmaps are linked to Epics. But roadmaps are currently only available for Next-gen type projects. The roadmaps are just a visual depiction of some information about the Epics.

Boards allow you to visually see the issues (cards) you create. It is made up of swimlanes and columns. Columns represent activities your team does - like writing copy, development, testing, etc. These activities are represented as Statuses in Jira. Statuses are the steps of your workflow. So you have to create a workflow first (with statuses). Then the statues of the workflow are mapped to your board so the board knows where the cards should show up.

2. Yes, you can add Custom Fields that can then be placed on the appropriate screens so you can populate the fields with values. 

3. Story Points are typically associated with work done using the Scrum framework and are used to help determine how much work can/should be done in a Sprint. The field needs to be added to any screens used by projects where it is not currently showing up. 

4. You have a good description of Scrum. Kanban does indeed use the Backlog - but just not Sprints. Kanban is more of a Continuous Development/Continuous Delivery meaning you deploy each piece of work as it is completed - you don't wait and deploy in batches like you do in Scrum. 

These are all very cursory descriptions/answers - all of these can be delved into in much greater depth, but hopefully it's enough to get you going.  :-)

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Alex_Fyfe April 17, 2020

Hi John,

Thank you for your answers. They've covered all issues raised.

Kind Regards,


John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 17, 2020

Great - glad I could help!

Erica Moss
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 21, 2020

@Alex_Fyfe Welcome to the Community! Glad John was able to help you out. 😄 Feel free to drop any future product-specific questions in the relevant product collection, in order to get the best possible answers.

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