I'm new to Jira and have just started working through the online training courses which are great.
I have a few queries which I hope you'll assist with.
1. How are Jira roadmaps, boards and workflows linked? If so then how. Do you use all 3 or just the one option e.g. Jira Board.
2, When creating an issue can you add an "to be completed by date"?
3. Am I correct that story points are a total score based on the priority level of an issue? I noticed story points didn't appear on the next-gen project I created.
4, Am I correct that Scrum is a framework for agile project management that uses fixed- length iterations of work, called sprints and that Kanban is a framework for agile project management that matches the work to the team's capacity? Is the only difference that Kanban doesn't use the backlog queue and sprints? If so, why have the two options?
Apologies for the long first message.
Kind Regards,
Hi John,
Thank you for your answers. They've covered all issues raised.
Kind Regards,
Great - glad I could help!
@Alex_Fyfe Welcome to the Community! Glad John was able to help you out. 😄 Feel free to drop any future product-specific questions in the relevant product collection, in order to get the best possible answers.