Hello everyone,
I am new to Trello and would welcome tips and tricks from members on using Trello. I need Guidance.
I am a Financial Advisor and intend to use it to interact with my customers and friends.
Please share with me your experiences and information on billing and functionalities and limitations for the plans.
Warm Regards and Have a Great Day.
Hi @research125!
Welcome to the party!
If you are specifically looking for Trello advice, I'd recommend starting in the Trello Product collection.
There are a number of amazing, friendly Community experts who are watching that group that will be more than happy to help if you aren't able to find what you are looking for there.
@research125 Welcome, Pradip! As Jimmy said, the Trello collection is a great place to start, and I also encourage you to check out the templates gallery to see how other folks have structured their boards. Once you get up to speed, I encourage you to try to earn the Friend of Taco badge. 😄
Hello Pradip,
First thought was caution around privacy and security of the data and conversations.
Hi Pradip !
Welcome to the Atlassian Community~
Hi @research125 / Pradip,
Welcome to the Community :)
Atlassian support
@research125 Welcome to the Community! Let us know if we can help you in any way :)
Welcome to the community, @research125 ! I'd recommend you start out in the Trello collection, but we're all glad to help with anything!
Hi @research125
Welcome to the Atlassian Community!
Hey @research125,
The key to successfully implement Trello is to convince the rest of your team to use it as well. You'll never be able to unlock the full power of Trello is you're the only one using the application!
I've been in the process of convincing members of my own organisation to use Trello for the the last little while now. My strategy has been to organise meetings with them and present an animation video that I created. This video explains what problems Trello is solving and explains the core features.
I've seen great results from this strategy and thought I'd share my intro video with others who might be interested in using such a video to convince their team as well.
I recently uploaded it to youtube, check it out --> https://youtu.be/WpPGeTlDNuI
@Simon_Dube-Sexton I love this video! Shared it with the team. 😎
@Community Manager Awesome, glad you found it useful!