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Welcome Wednesday: School's Out for Summer!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Tomorrow is my son’s last day of school before summer vacation. He’s looking forward to being able to spend some time with his cousins over the break. My question for you this week: If you could have two months off right now, what would you want to do?

Personally, I’m really looking forward to being closer to our families this summer and I think that is what I would want to (and probably will) do. A number of day trips to explore the various sights around us while spending time with our extended families. My daughter loves seeing the cows at my in-laws farm and my son would like to go camping and fishing with his older cousins.

What would you like to do? Let me know in the comments below.

Have a great rest of the week!



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Steve Wardell June 26, 2024

It would depend on affordability, because we love holidays, so that's what my family and I would do.

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Andy Gladstone
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June 26, 2024

If it were a paid two months off, I would split it into three separate blocks of time.

1st Block - 2 weeks of Beaches and Water sports. Getting up early, heading to the beach with a book, a journal and large ice water. Just enjoying reading and writing for no other purpose than the reading and writing itself. No devices, no distractions. Swimming, Stand-Up Paddle boarding and Kayaking with my wife. And focusing on healthy food choices and getting to sleep on time every night.

2nd Block - 4 weeks of Cycling in Europe. Italy, France, Denmark. At least 4 hours each day on the bike and the rest of the time exploring the local landscapes and coffee shops. Journaling each night about my experiences, feelings and thoughts. Learning to be comfortable with my own thoughts and not retreating to a smart phone, TV or PC to distract me from them.

3rd Block - 2 weeks of hiking in Colorado, Montana and Utah. Hitting up as many National Parks as we can in a camper van. Living the van life and seeing the wonders of nature.

I'm not sure I'd be able to re-adjust to 'regular' life after all of this, but at least the few minutes of dreaming you provided me today is enough to get me through this day. Thanks @Jimmy Seddon!   

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Aislin Percival June 26, 2024

I am a simple creature. I would go for lots of long walks, cuddle with my dog, and visit my family (in town) every weekend - especially my brand new niece. 

I would plan a couple short get-aways, but even if I had the time off, I can't really afford an exotic vacation. 

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Ren Tessier June 26, 2024

I would want to complete a jigsaw puzzle.

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Gip June 27, 2024

Have a go at learning a new (non-tech related) skill, as you never know what you're going to have fun learning or be naturally good at e.g. woodworking, sailing, pottery...

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Oliver Spata
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July 2, 2024

Read some books from the to-read stack.

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Amanda Barber
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July 7, 2024

Read, run and exercise in the summer weather, and spend lots of time with family!

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Akash Pillai
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July 16, 2024

Would explore a new place!!

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