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Welcome Wednesday: Home remedies to feel better!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I’m sorry I’m missed posting this the past couple of weeks. I think this is the first time in the three years since I started doing these posts weekly. Over the past few weeks I have been out of commission with respiratory issues. I have recovered now, but it took longer than I was hoping.

That being said, my question for you all this week is: “What is your go to home remedy to get better when you are sick?

I’ve worked with people that immediately grab apple cider vinegar & ginger. I have also known people that will start taking vitamin C tablets. Personally, I try to get some extra rest and drink plenty of fluids.

How about you? What do you do to get better? Let me know in the comments below.

Have a great rest of the week everyone!



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Maciej Łyk September 25, 2024

Hi, when there are some sighns that something is comming to get me feel sick I just take some garlic with honey, take vitamin C and lower my activity :) 

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Andy Gladstone
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September 25, 2024

This is my go-to for any illness. 

  • Hot Water
  • Lemon Tea
  • Mint Tea
  • Any Citrus Tea
  • Honey
  • Ground Ginger

It's pretty close to the off the menu Starbuck Medicine Ball and provides instant relief of any symptoms that are in my chest or head. 

Glad you're on the mend! Keep feeling better and better.

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Ananjan_Mishra September 25, 2024

Hey @Jimmy Seddon, What a fantastic topic!

Wishing you a speedy recovery and continued good health! 🌟

For my go-to home remedy, I swear by a soothing mix of turmeric and hot milk (no sugar) at night—it’s like a magic potion for me. And here’s a bonus tip: honey and cinnamon powder combo! Plus, don’t forget to keep those fluids flowing throughout the day. 🚰



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Stiltsoft support
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September 25, 2024

Hi, happy to hear that everything is ok now!

Nothing original from our team: hot tea, honey&lemon, raspberry jam.

Sometimes we go backwards: have a sore throat - eat ice cream. :) 

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Sanam Malleswari
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September 25, 2024

Hi, Nice topic. For my go-to home remedy, I like to sleep more continuously.

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carolyn french
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September 25, 2024

Sorry to hear you got hit hard the past few weeks, but glad your recovery is going well now. Tea and sleeping more is my go-to. For respiratory issues, sometimes a humidifier helps too.

Happy Wednesday!

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Barbara Szczesniak
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September 25, 2024

@Jimmy Seddon So glad you are feeling better. I've missed your posts.

My main remedies are:

  • tea with honey
  • plenty of water (maybe with an electrolyte powder once a day)
  • inhaling steam with menthol in it
  • sleep on my latest saving grace—an adjustable base for my bed so I don't need to prop myself up with pillows 
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Amanda Barber
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September 25, 2024

Ick, sorry to hear that you've been down for the count! Glad you're on the mend though. 

  • For tummy troubles, I swear by activated charcoal capsules.
  • Starting to feel sick in general? Vitamin B12 and Zinc
  • Sore throat - Fava Tea has a great sore throat tea!
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Rising Star
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September 25, 2024

One of my old girlfriends insisted that if I started getting ill I had to take Garlic, and that the most effective way to do that was to rub it on the feet!

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Barbara Szczesniak
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September 25, 2024

@Andy Gladstone Do you combine all of those things in one drink?

@Stephen_Lugton Do you get to wear socks so that you don't get garlic all over the furniture?

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Susan Waldrip
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September 25, 2024

Hi @Jimmy Seddon, glad you're on the mend! Lots of sleep and water, and Tylenol if I have aches or a headache. Nothing beats that for me. 😊

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September 25, 2024

@Barbara Szczesniak I'm pretty certain that I wasn't allowed socks, so I had to just sit and recover

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Andy Gladstone
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September 25, 2024

@Barbara Szczesniak yes, all in a single large mug.

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Antoinette Smith
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September 25, 2024

Hello @Jimmy Seddon - I love to keep myself hydrated with water, but hot herbal teas are my go to. Also, keeping a jar of garlic cloves soaked in honey and eating a few of those also helps with colds and flus symptoms.  Vicks has shower steamers to help with congestion!

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Shreeja J
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September 25, 2024

Hello @Jimmy Seddon 

Welcome back, and glad to hear you’ve bounced back! When I'm feeling off, my secret weapon is a combo of ginger tea with a dash of lemon—it’s like a reset button for the body. I’ll also indulge in some cozy blanket time while catching up on my favorite shows, and I make sure to drink enough water to feel like a human aquarium. Rest and hydration are always my best remedies!
Hope you have a healthy rest of the week!


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Dave Mathijs
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September 25, 2024

Hi @Jimmy Seddon not an answer to your question, but just a short comment to say that I'm happy you've recovered and are well again. Take good self-care!

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