Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I’m sorry I’m missed posting this the past couple of weeks. I think this is the first time in the three years since I started doing these posts weekly. Over the past few weeks I have been out of commission with respiratory issues. I have recovered now, but it took longer than I was hoping.
That being said, my question for you all this week is: “What is your go to home remedy to get better when you are sick?“
I’ve worked with people that immediately grab apple cider vinegar & ginger. I have also known people that will start taking vitamin C tablets. Personally, I try to get some extra rest and drink plenty of fluids.
How about you? What do you do to get better? Let me know in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the week everyone!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers