Happy Wednesday Everyone!
This past weekend, here in Canada we celebrated Thanksgiving! This allowed us to get together with family and my mom always wants us to go around the room to say what we are thankful for. In past years, this has always felt a little cheesy, but this year there is a fair bit I’m grateful for.
First, we lost a couple of our extended family members over the summer, so I’m extremely grateful that I was able to get together with my parents and my sister (plus her family) to celebrate thanksgiving.
Second, COIVD cases have been on the rise and we have continued to remain healthy and safe!
Third, with the work that I do to support SickKids hospital through Extra Life, I’m grateful every day my kids wake up healthy and ready to go to school/daycare. One of my son’s friends has been away from school for a number of months last year battling cancer (he’s in remission and recovering now).
So with all of that, I continue to try and treat each day like the blessing it is. So, now that I’ve put all of that out there, I’d love to know what things everyone else is grateful for in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the week!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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