Happy Wednesday Everyone!
The end of 2021 is fast approaching! I don't know about everyone else, but I feel like 2021 has been a very blessed year for me. To some, this is the time to make a New Year's Resolution. To other's it's a one or two words as your guiding principal for the year.
My question for you this week is do you have a New Year's Resolution? or a Guiding word? If so what are they? If not, I'd love to hear if you have any other traditions for starting the year on the right foot.
I have become a big fan of the guiding principal for the year. Starting 2022, I'm going to try and focus more on "Balance". My wife and I just had our second child. I have been in my current job for a little over a year and I feel like I have established myself there. My focus for 2022 needs to be about making sure that I achieve that proper balance of getting my work accomplished while making sure that I have time for both my family and myself.
It's your turn now! I'd love to hear from everyone in the comments.
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and I'll see you all in 2022!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers