It's Thursday!
I was about to write a #TBT about something else and then all of a sudden I remembered my "Flights that KGM has been on" list. (KGM is me). Little background on this. About 10 years ago, my wife and I were thumbing through a history of this 87 year old man. He had been retired for so long that he started writing his history. He and his wife had travelled quite a bit and lived in different countries so he had made a list of all the countries. That sparked an idea in my mind to write down all the airline trips I had taken and voila, here is part of it:
Icelandic is my native tongue so it´s in Icelandic. The first few trips were relatively easy but it got harder in the 90's and 00's. But with help of some friends and my mom, I think I was able to get 98% of them :) It´s over 70 trips!
Sooooo, what odd lists do you keep and maintain? Or what stuff to you keep track of? :)
Let’s make it a great Thursday!