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Throwback Thursday: What is your favorite fall/autumn activity? #TBT

It's Thursday!
To be honest, spring and summer are my favorite seasons. When the day starts to get shorter in mid August, I get a little depressed (not crazy much). However, my wife loves when the weather starts cooling off in the fall. She likes to be able to light candles in the dark and cuddle in her favorite blanked in front of the telly.
Soooo, what is your favorite thing to do in the fall/autumn?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!



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Shreeja J
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September 12, 2024

Throwback vibes on a Thursday! 🍂

Okay, confession time: I totally get how the shorter days can be a little tough, but fall has its own magic too! One of my favorite fall activities is going for walks when the air is crisp and the leaves are changing color—there’s something so peaceful about it 🍁🍂. Also, there’s nothing like curling up and watching a movie with some crispy snacks when it’s chilly outside.

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John Funk
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September 12, 2024

Watching American Football - specifically College football. 

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Barbara Szczesniak
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September 12, 2024

I think I've reached the point where I can no longer say that I have lived half my life upstate New York. In all my years there, my favorite fall activity was going apple picking. There is nothing like apples you pick fresh off the tree, even though the apples actually cost more at the orchard than in the grocery store the last time I went. 🍎

This activity is closely followed by baking (and eating) goodies made with apples. 

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Dan Breyen
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September 12, 2024

Being outside in the evenings when it's just a bit chilly, reading a book or listening to a baseball game on the radio would be a nice fall evening.  

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Natalie Beiler September 12, 2024

Fall has been my favorite season for as long as I can remember. As a child we would rake the maple leaves together into large piles in the yard and jump in the piles with our sweet dog Charlie Brown. 

Favorites (I don't have just one)...driving along a scenic road and/or hiking where the leaves glow brilliant shades of red, gold and orange, drinking a fresh glass of apple cider, sitting on my front porch on cool clear mornings with crystal clear skies, the first cup of hot cocoa, and yes, American Football. 

Bring it on! 🍁🍁🍁

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Stephanie Pille
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September 12, 2024

All of it! That GIF is an excellent representation of my fall excitement!! Pumpkin everything: picking, carving, soups, breads, lattes! Apple picking, eating pies, watching the leaves change, spooky movies, Halloween costume planning - ahhh! :) 

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Holly Scott September 12, 2024

Not necessarily an activity, but not sweating!

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Susan Waldrip
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September 12, 2024

Love taking walks in our neighborhood or trails, sitting by the fire pit in a blanket with a cup of hot cider (with a cinnamon stick, of course!), watching the leaves change on the mountains, enjoying the return of the bucks (deer) with their velvety antlers, and yes, pumpkin picking!

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Dan Breyen
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September 12, 2024

Are you kidding me?  Autumn is the best!  You get to watch all the leaves fall from the trees that you need to clean up! Then you need to start thinking about winter...  Make sure the shovels and snowblower are ready, you have emergency supplies in the car, and can find your snow pants and winter boots.  

What an exciting time!  

In the Northern Hemisphere, we look forward to it being dark longer.  (Maybe I need to move to Australia for the winter! )

Have a great week!  

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Amanda Barber
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September 12, 2024

Pumpkin everything! Plus, the leaves changing. 


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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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September 12, 2024

Wearing a jacket for the first time in the fall is my favorite.  Extra points if I find money in the pockets.

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Laurie Sciutti
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September 12, 2024

Honestly, I welcome the cooler weather.  I'm tired of always being hot.  lol  @Kristján Geir Mathiesen ~ your wife sounds like me - lighting candles, grabbing a blankie (yes ~ I still refer to them as "blankies") and curling up in front of the TV watching a good movie or binging a new show on my watchlist.  

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Liz Tanner September 12, 2024

My favorite thing to do is watch the Texas Longhorns lose to the Oklahoma Sooners in the Red River Rivalry (RRR) and have Feast.

What is Feast? Feast is a yearly smorgasboard of delicious trash-food devoid of real nutritional value and purchased on a wildly absurd budget. Example: I think 2019 Feast budget was $150; splits were $60 at Taco Bell, $90 for American Chinese (i.e., all beige, Costco freezer fodder, not real Chinese food).

Feast was an invention of necessity: I live to eat and love food-centric holidays. But, I have also lived alone for the majority of adulthood. Food options are really limited for solo flyers on such holidays, I discovered. This simply would not do for me.

Thus, Feast came to be. It just made sense to hold Feast the same day as OU/TX, since it's Thanksgiving month too (re: AWESOME garbage-food sales) and our camera operators at College Game Day conclude most RRR TV timeouts with a shot of the "Deep Fried Butter" or some other Frankenfried monstrosity.

October 12 will be 10th Feast. I am counting down the days. 

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Brant Schroeder
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September 12, 2024

I am with @John Funk college football.

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Rising Star
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September 12, 2024


I admit that autumn is not a time of year that I like very much. I like heat, summer, and sun, but since time is cyclical, I enjoy watching a series or movie that I like with a bowl of popcorn and a light blanket on the sofa.


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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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September 13, 2024

Go mushroom picking :D :D :D

Wild Mushroom Picking – 'Tis the Season! | What's On

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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September 13, 2024

Thanks for all your comments! Fun to ready them.

TBT Happy Friday yall.jpg

Rising Star
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September 14, 2024

I love almost all the seasons, different seasons have different environment to feel 

I love rainy season as the rain falls we see weather is cool and we get hot hot snacks made in home.

Vikram P  

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