It's Thursday!
Some people are great pranksters! I know this one guy who ended up getting a degree in Engineering. He was once living in a very old house with bunch of other guys (yeah, could be any college accommodation). He wanted to prank one of them so he drilled a small hole in the ceiling. Then he created a gadgetty thingy. It had a plastic 2 liter bottle, a saucer type made of plastic, a hose, and some more parts. He filled the 2 liter bottle with water and then the water would slowly drain from the big bottle over into the saucer then overflow (I can't remember the details) into the hose that was connected to the little hole in the ceiling. This gadget was basically a delayer. He designed it in such a way that it took 5 hours for the overflow to kick in. The water dripped ever so slowly through the hose. Then he filled the 2 liter bottle at 10PM and around midnight everyone went to bed.
Well, around 3AM, the poor fellow woke up to a wet bed! And he thought he had wetted it himself... Thankfully the guy had a good sense of humor and, if I remember correctly, pulled a good practical joke on the engineer later on.
What is the best prank you’ve ever played on someone?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!
Kristján Geir Mathiesen
Enterprise Jira Administrator
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