It's Thursday!
I am not a crazy collector of hats but I have a few. This hiking hat I got for free from one of my daughters. I always have it in my hiking backpack. I have 1 or 2 baseball caps that I sometimes use (and then 4 Atlassian baseball hats that I just hang on my wall in the office). I used to have a "straw" cowboy hat but during one of our many moves in the last 10 years, it got tossed out. I really miss it so when we were in Mexico last fall, my goal was to replace it and I am really happy with the cowboy hat I found (for 20 dollarbucks!). I also have 3 or 4 flat hats/herringbows. I mainly use them to keep my bald head warm.
Soooo, what headware habits do you have?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!