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Throwback Thursday: What are some silly, crazy stunts you´ve pulled? #TBT

It's Thursday!
I am struggling a bit what to call this post but I know what I am asking for :) A few years back, my wife and one of my daughters became super (at least I thought so) undecided when it came to going out to get ice cream or a soda drink. And they always wanted to go through the drive-through. On top of that, I was usually the one who drove/had to drive. What this translates to is that I had to be the one talking to the ordering "box" and asking for a few more minutes. Just built up unnecessary anxiety for me. So one night, I took the matter into my hands and did something about it. We were going to Culver´s drive-thru and as I approached the in-going lane, I quickly whipped the car to the side and then proceeded to back up to the ordering "box." The girls were so stunned and shocked that they almost didn´t have anything to say to me.


I was pretty happy with myself and thought I was a genius. They ordered and I backed around the corner, getting closer to the pick up window. There was a car in front of us. We were fine until the next customer pulled up behind us because now we were actually facing them! That was a bit awkward and I hadn´t thought that one through... Anywho, when I pulled up to the pick up windows, the kids working there had a hard time believing their eyes. Then the burst out laughing.

Soooo, what are some silly, crazy stunts you´ve pulled?

Let’s make it a great Thursday!



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wkennedy June 20, 2024

We drove old American cars as teenagers and where I lived there are many bridges, and every single one offered a challenge to see if we could get the tires off the ground (if nobody was fishing from it we often did)

Just like the blue one here 😎


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Kristian Klima
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June 20, 2024

I once climbed into a cargo space of a Tupolev TU-154... in Keflavik, Iceland, .... in the military section of the airport. In a t-shirt :) 

So what happen was that I, a journalist back then, was flying with the Slovak Prime Minister from his state visit to the US. On the last day, we used two storage rooms of the hotel for our hand luggage and our 'check-in' luggage respectively. As it happened, the good folks from the PM's office ordered that the stuff from both rooms be taken and loaded to the plane parked at the Andrews AF Base.

Including my laptop with a bunch of articles I wanted to phone in to my paper from Iceland where we had to stop for refueling. Mind, it was way before mobile data, data roaming and such :) 

I wasn't the only victim of this mess so we gave the PM's office a lesson in assertiveness and they promised to open the cargo after we land in Keflavik (we asked at Andrews's but the personnel wasn't amused). 

So we land in Keflavik, the crew opens the cargo...  it's just that the only ladder the plane crew had was that V-shapped thing you use to paint walls and it ended like a meter (3 feet) under the lower edge of the cargo bay opening. We must have looked like the clumsiest commandos climbing up and down that setup. The fact we all wore t-shirts and it was about 7 degrees Celsius did not help :) 

But, I got my laptop, and a jacket, ran across the runway to the airport building and managed to phone in all my pieces.

Good old days :D 

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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June 20, 2024

Wow, @Kristian Klima what a cool story!

Hahaha, @wkennedy , bet that was fun until someone got hurt...

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Barbara Szczesniak
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June 20, 2024

Now that I'm older, most of mine in the crazy category probably involve driving home from the pub when I probably shouldn't have. 

On the sillier side, I've spent most of my life being asked the question, "How do you pronounce that?" when people see my name written down. (I've had this name for all but the <2 years I was married.) 

Over time, my standard response became a really slow "Bar-ba-ra." People usually find this amusing, but I did find that it was not appreciated when I was signing onto a military base during a time of war.

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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June 20, 2024

+points for Culver´s!

Most of my stories are too incriminating. 

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Amanda Barber
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June 20, 2024

What a fun topic! I'm pretty safe in my old age, ha! I'm sure there were several stunts due to too much alcohol in college. 🤐 

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Rising Star
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June 20, 2024

buffff, I did a lot of crazy things with the car when I was young, I didn't drink, but I drove very fast, I went to racing circuits and in fact the nickname I've always had is "fitipaldi" and I don't know why?, jajajajaja


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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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June 21, 2024

When I was a child, I used to climb and swing from walls like Spiderman. The effect comics and cartoons had those days.

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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June 21, 2024

Thanks all for your fun memories!

TBT Happy Friday yall.jpg

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Rising Star
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June 24, 2024


In my childhood days, I used to drive my brother bike ---- LUNA without telling him. 


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Laurie Sciutti
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June 29, 2024

OK ~ @Kristján Geir Mathiesen I LOVE this!!!  What a genius alternative to the age-old "I don't know, what do YOU want?" anxiety-inducing decision!  The visual on this cracks me up!

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July 24, 2024

I've got way to many silly / crazy stunts to list them all, so here's one I hadn't thought of for a while:

Back in my university days I wanted be an engineer so I could join the Royal Engineers, basically so I could blow things up!  I achieved the blowing things up ambition happily cutting down telegraph poles and crushing diving tanks with detcord, creating shaped charges using wine bottles, cutting holes in metal sheets with Blade, etc. but I enjoyed other aspects of engineering so much that I never actually got round to joining the Royal Engineers.

But as part of the university idea of doing so I joined the university OTC (Officer Training Corps) with the associated green camo and other gear.  At this time the British Army was still using the SLR rather than anything newer, which will become relevant shortly.

Obviously, one of the things we had to do was practice attacking an enemy position, and one gloriously cloudy / rainy day we did this with the Regimental Colonel reviewing how we were doing.  As we got close to where he was standing under his umbrella I did the standard jump up, run zig zagging for 5 steps then throw yourself to the ground.  However in this case the ground was so wet and so muddy that rather than throwing myself down and pointing my SLR forwards I aqua planed across 20-30 metres past where the Colonel was standing and vanished down a gully at the side of the field.  Apparently the Colonel wandered over to see what had happened and all he could see was my head and 2 arms holding my SLR up out of the river I was sitting in!

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Rama krishna July 26, 2024

Nice Story

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