Throwback Thursday: Tell us about your new year’s eve plans/traditions #TBT

It's Thursday!


I want to thank you all for a great year in the Community! It has been a fun ride and I appreciate all your comments, likes, and associations. Thank you.

In Iceland, people are free to purchase their own fireworks and they purchase A LOT. So being in Iceland over the new year's eve is spectacular. 


Unfortunately, we are not in Iceland so we will do something different. My wife says she has a surprise that she hopes can become a new tradition for us. I am excited to see what it is :)  We have "always" (well not quite but we have done it for the last 20 years) had Mexican feast on new year´s eve for a formal, sit down dinner. That is a fun tradition that our now grown kids really like and feel is special.

Here is a YouTube someone made from last new year's eve in Iceland. Quite a sight, eh?!?

So what is your plan for this year? 

Let’s make it a great Thursday! I want to wish you a very happy new year. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.




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Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck
December 30, 2021

Most of all I want to hide under the bed during new years in Iceland :| but I suppose that I will try to endure some fireworks with the kid :þ Otherwise we don't really have any traditions as such except being cosy and try not to get blown up :þ

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John Funk
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December 30, 2021

I have never been a big celebrater of New Year's. If I am still up, great, but not going out of my way for anything special. We will usually toast out the old year and in with the new year with a glass of champagne/sparkling wine (sparkling grape juice for the kidos when they were under age). 

Out city of Nashville usually does a huge celbration with tens of thousands if not a few hundred thousands. There are fireworks splattered across the city by individuals, though it's supposed to illegal inside the city limits.  :-)

This year, I will probably be asleep when the year rolls over,  haha. 

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Andy Gladstone
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December 30, 2021

I am on the outskirts of NYC, so my NYE tradition is avoiding Manhattan at all costs. The amount of police, road closures, revelers arriving in town create a volatile mix of traffic that no one wants to get stuck in. I never understood the draw of standing outside for hours in generally poor weather conditions to count down and watch a ball drop. I'd rather be in the comfort of my own home.

When I hear the cars honking, I'll know 2022 has started. And since the pandemic hit, and I have tried to take it day by day and appreciate my lot in life, the new year at the end of the date is less consequential than it being a new day

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Jimmy Seddon
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December 30, 2021

Our tradition in the past has been letting our 4 year old stay up as late as he wants (usually he doesn't last beyond 9pm).  Then, we do one of Netflix's "Fake" countdowns and put him to bed.

My wife usually follows closely after him around 10pm, and I play games online with my friends until 12am, then call it quits.

When I was growing up, my Mom would always make root beer floats to ring in the new year!

Happy New Year Everyone!  Let's hope 2022 gets off to a good start!

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Taranjeet Singh
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December 30, 2021

@Kristján Geir Mathiesen Thanks for the last "Throwback Thursday" post of the year 2021!

As a New Year's eve tradition, I mostly do a get together with my friends and their families and have a nice dinner together and stay awake until midnight to welcome the new year with a toast. Sometimes, we go out in the town together to watch New Year fireworks from a distance.

Sometimes, if my friends and their families have a different plan, I still do the same together with my own family of 4 (I, my wife, and 2 kids who are not early sleepers :-( ). This New Year's eve is going to be more fun together with the family as my parents have visited me from India.


Wish you all a very wonderful, safe, and Happy New Year!

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Kristján Geir Mathiesen
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December 31, 2021

Love it, @Taranjeet Singh , @Jimmy Seddon , @Andy Gladstone , @John Funk , and @Thorhalla Gudmundsdottir Beck  Thanks for sharing what you guys usually do on New Year's eve.  Gleðilegt nýtt ár!

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Erica Moss
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January 3, 2022

@Kristján Geir Mathiesen Kept it super simple with a small group of friends watching movies you can't stream (purchased them on DVD)! I think my favorite was "Crossroads," starring Britney Spears. 😄

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