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Throwback Thursday: Happy Groundhog Day! #TBT

It's Thursday!
Actually, the #TBT posts are kind of like a Groundhog Day (kind of, in a sense) because we are rehashing the past🙂 But I hope you enjoy that. I certainly do!
I remember seeing the movie Groundhog Day in the early 90's and liked it alot. That is really my memory connected with this day.
What are some of your memories connected with Groundhog Day?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!



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John Funk
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February 2, 2023

Not a lot of memories with this day - it's pretty much another day. The thing I remember is the groundhog is never right. The groundhog lies!!!

Sorry, got a little carried away. Maybe you'll remember that in the future.  :-)


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Shivam Desai February 2, 2023


Just 1 thought regressively comes on every Thursday is that "1 more day to go" for a weekend. :-)

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Dave Mathijs
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February 2, 2023

In Europe, Groundhog Day is not quite known.

The only association that I have with it is indeed the movie, which I actually liked.

Screenshot 2023-02-02 at 14.39.59.png

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Andy Gladstone
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February 2, 2023

Even though the Bill Murray movie has become the most visible memory, my first memory stands out. We were in Kindergarten and the teacher taught us about Groundhog Day leading up to February 2. We all made stuffed groundhogs out of cloth and stuffing, and on February 2 they rolled the A/V cart into the room and we watched as Punxsutawney Phil emerged to meet his handler (and maybe Al Roker?) to predict 6 more weeks of winter. We all cheered anticipating more snow to play in (and school cancellations). I cannot remember whether the winter of 1983 actually had any more snow, but we all danced!

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Joseph Hansbrough February 2, 2023

I can relate to some of these memories, including learning about Groundhog Day back in kindergarten and the sort. But even at that point in time, the movie was one of my favorite movies, and it still is. It was truly a classic and watching it is like re-watching a very particular day of my life over and over again. 

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Rachel McDonald February 2, 2023

When I was growing up, I remember thinking Groundhog Day made no sense. We never had "6 more weeks of winter," regardless of what the little guy predicted. It was all over the news but it was never right. It wasn't until I got a bit older and I realized that it made a bigger deal to other parts of the country.

But I lived in Florida. 

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Tommy Augustine February 2, 2023


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Jimmy Seddon
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February 2, 2023

The movie Groundhog Day is iconic and something my wife and I watch annually.

Personally, I have always been confused by the prediction model.  If the groundhog sees its shadow (you can imply that means the sun is shining at that moment) and it will scare them into hiding and it means that more winter is on it's way.  But, spring is on it's way if it's overcast and the groundhog fails to see it's shadow?

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Brant Schroeder
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February 2, 2023

I think the only connection I have to Groundhog Day is the movie Groundhog Day.  I pull it out occasionally for a good laugh, sadly not on Groundhog Day.

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Amanda Barber
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February 2, 2023

I love the movie Groundhog Day, but my favorite memories of Groundhog Day are from when I was a Kindergarten teacher. We always did some fun math and science activities related to Groundhog Day/groundhogs including estimating, graphing, making predictions and shadows. It always brought a bit of fun to the cold, wintry time of year! My favorite year was when we connected virtually with another class from across the country and did some activities together. We then compared our class's predictions with theirs. 

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Nikki Zavadska [Appfire]
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February 3, 2023

I looove the movie! We don't really have a celebration like this but I can 100% approve any celebration that relates to animals 🐻

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Summer Hogan
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February 3, 2023

I love the movie Groundhog Day too! It is so iconic and hilarious! I also though think is is a bit ridiculous, but I think it is meant to be that way. Here's how we look at things in Arizona on Groundhog Day! It's so true! 


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Craig Nodwell
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February 4, 2023

I was already in my later 20's by the time the movie came out.  It's a funny movie, I'm pretty sure I've had it on repeat a  few times.  My childhood memories of groundhog day are vague at best, I do believe that my thoughts were that it is too frigging cold for the groundhog to come out of it's hole!  This is a scam.  I guess I was a cynical child.

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Rising Star
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February 6, 2023

Good to know this celebrations 

But we do not celebrate such events , But Happy Groundhog Day

vikram P

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Jack Brickey
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February 6, 2023

I'm with Jimmy on this. If I see my shadow then I remain outside to warm my winter bones. I also watch GHD annually. 

Phil: I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank Pina Coladis. At sunset we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day! Why couldn't I get that day, over and over?


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Craig Nodwell
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February 6, 2023

LOL @Jack Brickey 

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Atlassian Team
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February 8, 2023

Watching Groundhog Day again!

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Dan Breyen
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March 8, 2023


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Kathy Hart
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March 9, 2023

My parents' wedding anniversary is Feb 2., so Groundhog Day is very important to us. It makes it much easier to remember my parents' anniversary. Are people talking about what the groundhog saw? Better call my parents and wish them Happy Anniversary. LOL

This year is their 60th. 

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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
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April 22, 2023

Groundhog Day? Here in Italy we have "Candelora" 

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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May 31, 2023

Regarding the movie, it was a good classic comedy.

We don't however have the actual Groundhog animal in Malaysia.

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Sayed Bares _ServiceRocket_
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July 16, 2023

Never knew this day existed, but I will watch the movie :) 

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