It's Thursday!
So, if you want to what the talk of the town is in Iceland (take the nation's pulse), then you go to the public swimming pools and sit down in the hot tubs. The old folks show up way early but the younger folk at the end of the day. Or anytime on Saturdays.
Few years ago, I went to the pool. Swam some laps and then settled down in the hot tub to relax afterwards. Two very bulky guys were sitting there. They obviously lived at the gym, no question about that. After a few minutes, one of the guys said to the other something like: "man! So hard to do my exercise routine with all these new people at the gym. I have to wait so long to get on the machines." The other one replied: "Just give it a week or two. Then all these folks with their new year's resolutions will disappear and we will have the gym to ourselves." :)
So, do you have any good stories of past new year's resolutions you'd like to share with us?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!