Show us a picture of your pet(s)!
We don't have any pets right now in our house, but we do have a flock of wild turkeys hanging out on our lawn. (This is not a regular occurrence here in the SF Bay Area.)
This thread inspired by the fact that I want to see a picture of @Kimberly Deal's dogs.
We had some guests in the Austin office yesterday! A baby lemur and a 3-week-old monkey (named George, of course!).
Karl the Dog!
That expression! Oh man this is the best thread ever already.
That boy looks ready to PLAY!
This is Mr. Beau the English Setter. You can find him on his own instagram account:
These photos are so great! (And your model is adorbs.) Did you take the pix, @Kevan Lin?
ha thanks! yup taken by yours truly :) I was a photographer in a past life.
It shows; they are great shots.
This is my sweet Edgar!
What a happy face!
This is Jackson :)
AAAH another great shot and another adorable model.
Jackson (Schnoodle), Bear (Chihuahua) and Ritzy (Border Collie Mix). Office doggos at the park.
Ritsy's expression is my favorite!
This is Moritz, my tomcat
A fluffball with feet!
Duncan Worley
I love how he coordinates with the rug!
Hello team! Today marks my first day at Atlassian + my first Community post. Exciting!
I know it's not Friday, but...
Dorcas, my 6 month old hairless cat, is pictured below.
Amazing @Bridget. Amazing.
Esk got a round of applause at Summit:
And she deserved it. :)
Before anyone asks why she looks small, evil and a bit scraggy, she is
This is Benny. He's about 4 years old and he's a rescue. This is the face I come home to everyday. Sometimes he gets to join me at work as part of a student therapy program. There is a group of us who help students adjust to university life, manage stress and anxiety, and come together through their love of dogs. Benny has his own FB page:
He is a complete goofball and super loving! (and very dapper)
AAAAH oh my gosh I love him.
That lil nose! So sweet, thanks for sharing :).
For Christmas I received a cutting machine, so I designed and created a t-shirt with my buddy, Benny, on it.
I decided to wear this next volunteer dog therapy session.
@MadelineBarr my jaw is on the floor, that is amazing!
Amazing is what I wanted to say, too!
@Monique vdB and @Alison Paige Thank you so much!
I love doing it.
Ford Prefect: the most expensive "free" cat on Craig's List - unneutered, stomatitis, covered in ticks, serious heart murmur. 12 years later, with most of his teeth removed and his hearing gone, he is still the sweetest, most easygoing and mellow cat I've ever met. He'll jump on anybody's lap and loves tummy scratches.
Vegeta: named after a fierce warrior prince, is actually afraid of everything. Our theory is he's just waiting for the day when we decide to eat him (his thinking, not ours). Loves to interrupt at-home yoga with loud meows and rubbing his face all over yours.
Loopsy: owns us, the other cats, the apartment, the world. I asked to foster the "meanest" cat they had; they were considering sending her to a barn cat rescue. After many scratches (worth it) and adoption, she loves to snuggle with us, under blankets, and with Ford and Vegeta whether they want to or not. Has recently learned to tap us with her paw for attention.
@Season, I love Ford Prefect's fluffiness (and name), Vegeta's fear of being eaten, and Loopsy's loopsyness!
Goldendoodle time!!
Here's my sweet boy Max, he is 8 years old and my husband and I adopted him 3 years ago. This photo actually shows him smiling :)
@Jodi LeBlanc Look at that smiley angel. 😭
@Community Manager love him so much :)
Here are pics of my two cats. The grey cat is Storm. He is my big. laid-back, teddy-bear of a cat. Paisley is my tortoise shell cat, she is tiny and runs the house. Both cats love to try to sit in my lap if a laptop is present.
@Jenn McClung Those faces. ❤️
wreck the tree and blame the doggies fa la la la la...
@Alana Fernando I love it! 😆
This happens every christmas. He waits until we set the tree and then starts climbing it. 😑
This is George (as in Chrissy wants to "name her George, and hug her and pet her and squeeze her"). George does not like me.
As I know George comes near you when you have something to eat! right?
Correct. There was an egg sandwich on the other side of me when this photo was taken. She likes eggs. The only other time I get affection is if I have the kitty-crack packet open (They're cat treats, small biscuits which all of the cats I know will do anything to get hold of. I don't know of they're called something else in other countries, but they're "Dreamies" here)
Ok, so....I am finally on a PC and remember to come post on this thread....sooo late to the party.
So here's Alistair. He's a Westie, or West Highland White Terrier, for those being proper. I wouldn't say he lives up to his terrier ways. He's super chill. Just hangs out, doesn't dig, doesn't bark much, only in the yard and never in the house. It's kinda like having a cat that likes to go on walks :)
I would upload pics of my walkers/petsitting, but they seem to all be too large and I'll have to spend some time editing.
@Kimberly Deal _Columbus ACE_ He is perfect. 😍
Can't wait to meet Alistair, @Kimberly Deal _Columbus ACE_. I will get to Columbus some day!!!
and so the Cats don't feel left out.
Here's Orion and Priscilla. They are both some sort of Siamese or Himalayan mix. Pris's mom was a flame point Himalayan. No idea on Orion, he was a found kitty, totally declawed. Posters to find his family went unanswered so he became a part of ours. <3
@Kimberly Deal _Columbus ACE_ They look so comfy — and now I want to take a nap. 😴
I am always super jelly of the cats, cause they have a tail, with which to cover their noses....I want to be able to do that, especially in the winter :)
A cute cat often sitting on the hood of a car in the garden downstairs, we call her "latte"
We might have a new pet. She moved in next door, but seems to want to live with us (this is an unusual sight in town centres in the UK by the way)
Needless to say, the cat is not impressed.
Hahaha I wish I had a random chicken perched on our fence!
We had a turkey and her baby living on our driveway for a while, then found eggshells in the backyard. So mad we missed seeing a turkey baby hatching!!
There were four up there a minute ago! I think it's time to talk to the neighbours about better fencing.
Or maybe not, we all like eggs in this house...
Perhaps posting my pic will revive this thread as I always enjoy seeing people's pets. This is Riley, our 7lb Yorkshire Terrorist who thinks he's a 70lb Rottweiler. Well, that or a cat as he likes to frequently park himself on the back of this chair or our couch. At 12 years, he's pretty healthy for an "old man".
So cute! And 12 isn't too old for a Yorkie, right?
@BiancaE and @Ali Sanne, I believe you both owe this thread some pet pictures...
True @Monique vdB - Yorkies can live to 20+ with proper care and nutrition. Riley is pretty spry for his age - still loves to fetch his ball!
@Monique vdB you know I'm all too happy to share a pic of Slammy.
This is Slamson - 11 weeks old on Monday. He's a mini Australian Labradoodle (I affectionately call him the "frappuccino" of dogs) and the sweetest boy in the world. Here is today "helping" me work remotely!
This is my boo, Barley. He's now a 50 pound Border Collie mix (maybe English Pointer, maybe Pit Bull) who is about 1.5 years old and my favorite thing in the world. I adopted him from the pound in March and we've already had some great adventures. Shameless plug to follow him on Instagram.
Kosmo, now four year old rescued Husky-mix. Looking at this pictures again I'm making girly noises I don't want to talk about :D