Burnination? What did swim lanes ever do to you?
@Darryl Lee - swimlanes don't work like swimlanes on mobile (which makes sense yet doesn't). I never could get used to swimlanes that scroll independently.
I created a Burnination swimlane that would only appear for production bugs. Plus, I loved Homestar Runner when it was popular, back in the days of Flash.
Mine was N73. But I don't have a Pic of it now, Took a photo from Google.
It looks very professional!
@Dave Liao - This post made my nostalgic. I can recall my first Nokia 1110 Phone. I loved this phone. I took this image from Google(same colour) but I had a bunch of memories with this one.
I absolutely LOVED my LG EnV!! I had it in Gator orange and it lasted me for a few years before I gave it to a friend who used it for another four years. He ended up using duct tape on the hinge for a while, but that phone kept on chugging along.