Hi Community Members!
It's (finally) my turn to host some Friday fun! I'm always thinking about creativity and sharing ideas, so I wanted to ask.. what's the last thing you drew?
Doodles, whiteboard sketches, diagrams, graphs, sticky notes, anything! All are eligible.
Extra credit if you share a pic. :)
Over lunch this morning I imagined that my puppy was dreaming about chipotle. (We have the same order.)
If you can't think of the last time you drew something, I challenge you to doodle a little this weekend! :)
This is ADORABLE!!
As I don't have kids yet, I was digging into my album to find out something similar to a drawing, but the closest one I found was my attempt at a homemade cloth mask. I grabbed one of my old t-shirts and ta-dah! Terrible, I know, but I've got a proper one now.
Whoa, I didn't expect to see anything like this! I was lucky enough to have friends making masks and never had to try this myself.
I DREW a blank for what to write. : )
Pics or it didn't happen!! ;)
@Davin Studer - I see what you did there! ;-p
many Sketches for communicating and presenting internal Docus/ trainings / ... in a new way - not allowed to share (yet)
but you can see a sketch here:
Love this doodle. :)
I'm curious about your top secret sketch now, too..
Thank you! ☺️
@Samie Kaufman - Your Gal at Gliffy I try to prepare something for my upcoming „Friday Fun“, so stay tuned 😊
*looking forward to Friday even more than normal*
check this out ;-) Friday Fun Sketch
Not at all a 'drawer' (closest I would get is drawing a bath, but we only have a shower now!)
In a shameless attempt to change the subject - @Samie Kaufman - Your Gal at Gliffy I must know more about your puppy!
Baths are my favorite thing to draw when I'm stressed! ;)
My puppy's name is Oberon! That is the name of a Shakespeare character, but I'm also from Michigan, where one of our most popular summer beers is Oberon. My family tends to drink it on special occasions... And Fridays.
We're working on his fetching skills:
He is 3 months old now, 26lbs, and about 12lbs larger than his sister from the same litter. 😅 Our vet says he's healthy, but that he's going to be "a moose."
@Samie Kaufman - Your Gal at Gliffy Obie is so cute! You can tell he's going to be big!
I've just had to call my fianceé into the room to watch the video.
We have a little pug shih tzu (a pug-zu) called Peggy - she doesn't fetch, but will carry!
I just wanna squeeeeeeeze her!
It was a scribble for the upgrade of the last remaining Jira instance - to version 8.
The astonished buddy with missing pants is attached to a blog post asking the users to take leave of Jira version 7 now.