Friday Fun - Forget New Year’s Resolutions we need New Year’s Affirmations!

Andy Gladstone
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January 6, 2023

Happy Friday Atlassian Community!


It’s the first Friday of 2023 and even though this week was a shorter work week for many that had off on Monday to celebrate New Years Day, the anticipation of another week behind us is a feeling that can’t be underestimated.




There has been something on my mind for a few months that I couldn’t quite figure out how to express until I read an article published by fellow community leader @Teodora V _Fun Inc_  about No Year’s Resolutions.

What is it about a blank calendar that scares or forces us into setting ‘new’ goals? From my point of view many of the New Years Resolutions come from guilt or a misplaced sense of failure that somehow the ‘New Year, New Me’ is supposed to repair or resolve. That’s not a very healthy mindset. 



Instead of being driven by negative thoughts, why not strengthen ourselves with positive ones? New Years can be a time to look back on the previous year or years and celebrate our strengths, our successes, our growth. I feel we need to make more affirmations about the good things that we want to continue doing rather than focus on the things we missed the target on.


So with that in mind, please share something - a practice, a habit, a personality trait, etc. - that you want to continue this coming year. Let’s become each others personal cheering section celebrating all of the already great things in our lives and looking forward to another year filled with them.


May it be a year of peace and blessing for everyone. 








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Robert Wen_Cprime_
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January 6, 2023

Here, here!  I resolved years ago not to make New Years resolutions that would be broken by March!

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Summer Hogan
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January 6, 2023

Very well said @Andy Gladstone! I accomplished so much in 2022! I had numerous work accomplishments that I just wrote up in my annual review self assessment and I received a promotion after only being at the company for a little over a year and was named Top Talent, I strengthened relationships with my family and friends, I took on a more aggressive health and wellness routine, and overall I feel pretty good about what I accomplished in 2022 and want to continue to perform well at work and in my personal life! 

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Walter Buggenhout
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January 6, 2023

I have a lot of things I'm proud of and that's work related from last year and that I do want to keep doing as well. But maybe a little less in some areas compared to last year. 😛

But besides work, I started a few routines to keep a clear and fresh mind. Back in the days of the virus I started playing the piano and haven't had a single week that I did not play at least for half an hour. I would love to keep that streak going and gently roll into some more complex songs this year as well. And like some other fellow leaders and friends, I adopted the habit to go on regular walks. It has been both soothing as well as inspiring to step away from the computer screen several times a week and helps be more productive and inspired afterwards!

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Teodora V _Fun Inc_
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January 9, 2023

Thank you for this post @Andy Gladstone, it's a much-needed reminder.

I am at the beginning of all work-related goal-setting talks, and I try to use my own methodology as much as possible. To me, 2022 was a big lesson about relationships, honest feedback, team management, and leadership. I tried my best to keep a proper work-life balance and strive to improve in 2023. As someone who loves to know everything, disconnecting is no easy task, and some days I find myself stressing about something at late, non-working hours. 

The most successful habits and practices I will continue doing are keeping my regular workout and walk routines and being mindful of the way I collaborate with my teammates. Even when I can't spend another hour on a zoom call, I must think on a team level instead of judging by personal desire. Together we achieve more and perform better.

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Matthias Gaiser _K15t_
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January 10, 2023

I like to work from home, but I also miss seeing my colleagues.

At K15t, we've started quarterly team weeks last year - and I'm so thankful for them. I'm a person who draws energy from interacting with people and these weeks give me lots of energy for the time inbetween. Therefore my plan is to keep investing lots of energy into these team weeks in order to get a lot out of them.

I've just learnt the hard way how important relationships, friends and colleagues are to me - and I'd like to make sure I invest into them most of all.

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