Greetings Fellow Community Members!
Yesterday was Canada Day, and Saturday is Independence Day. Given that we are right in the middle of what is normally full of fireworks I thought I'd ask all of you what your opinions are of them.
This year was the first that I didn't get involved in any fireworks, but I usually spend a small sum on some lovely pyrotechnics.
I don't have a favorite type (colourful, loud, lots of movement) but I do like spending a little more money on getting the bigger boxes of coordinated shots.
One of my favourites in that category (in Canada) is called "Act of Valour" - 35-Shot Fanning Cake fires 7 Rounds of 5 shots, with giant bursting and crackling Chrysanthemums and full sky Finale!
I know fireworks aren't for everyone, and if they aren't your thing, I'd love to know how you celebrate national holidays (is it food? I bet it's food ;) ).
To all of my American friends: Happy Independence Day!
Have a great and wonderful weekend everyone!
@Cassie Mayes I totally understand the case with little ones. We have one ourselves now which was one of the other factors to not doing fireworks this year.
When you say you dropped a roman candle in the middle of the street at least you were having a "Hogwarts Battle" (yes this is a thing people do <facepalm>)
Fireworks were exciting when I was a small child but as the safety requirements increased (due to idiots harming animals and property) the amount of light, colour, and wonder reduced.
I would like firework displays to be restricted to large scale events only. They generate so much pollution (light and noise when let off and the residue afterwards), they are disruptive for a couple of weeks even though there is only one offical night for letting them off (outside of large scale events), even when following the rules it is very cruel to many pets.
I like fireworks once in a while - once a year and prefer the big, but not very loud ones that light up the sky with a lot of tiny lights.
Love fireworks (on days like July 4th when you expect them, that is) and never thought about different fireworks having names. So after some light research, the name of the firework I like best is called a Dragon's Egg as seen here:
Hope everyone enjoys the Independence Day weekend and is safe above all.
The fireworks were cancelled in my province this year but that didn't stop people from having them, across the water it was a full fireworks show for 30 mins at three different spots and that is just what was in my viewpoint. I am sure many others had their own show across the Island. I must say it was almost as beautiful as the official ones each year.
In my state, non-professional fireworks are illegal. That doesn't actually stop anyone, and I always end up with the wrappers from someone else's fun in my yard to clean up :(
I enjoy professional shows, but always feel bad for pets and people with PTSD who have to hear their neighbors setting off loud bangs at all hours for a week before and after the 4th holiday. If you know you have issues with them, you can make plans to avoid the main holiday, but there's nothing you can do when some idiot is in their backyard down the street at 2 AM every night.
I love fireworks :D but only at appropriate times and done by professionals.
I like them big and following music <3 In Porto, Portugal there's a big party from the 23rd to 24th of June, the "noite de São João". It's the best fireworks. This year was cancelled so only memories:
I like to visit in each year the St. Petersburg's White Nights festivities