Happy almost penultimate Friday of 2022 everyone! With only two Fridays left in the year, and both being holiday weekends, today is the last one that really counts!
Tis the season of Year in Review emails and reminders. Introspection on what I did this past year other than get older. Inspiration for the year ahead. That means my inbox has been filling up with:
And a welcome new addition for me this year, the Atlassian Community Year in Review! 💙💜💚💛. I loved seeing my personal stats and the what we accomplished together data points. There is no I in Team, and there is Unity in Community. In a world where Twitter doom scrolling and negativity has been a norm, the Atlassian Community has been a place of sane solace.
So this Friday, let's build a Community Year in Review thread. Here are the rules:
And a big thank you to all of the Community Members, Leaders and Atlassian Team Members that have made the community an amazing place to live, learn, play and practice in 2022.
My Atlassian Community plans for 2023:
Thanks @Andy Gladstone - back at ya! You inspire me as well!
💙💙💙 So glad the article brought you value @Andy Gladstone
I actually get reminded of @Jimmy Seddon article from TeamWork Lab every day since it was posted 👉 Tips & Lessons for 2022: Empathy & Understanding will go a long way!
"we should assume that everyone is working toward the same goal with the best of intentions"
The best advice of 2022!
Love this topic!
For #1, I loved @Saralie S.'s article about Busting some Online Community Myths (which @Darline Auguste also helped with behind the scenes). Such a great resource for our users who might not know what our Community Leader program is all about. I also read the first version of this article by @Peter Van de Voorde when he worked at Atlassian, and it's been inspiring me ever since!
For #2, there are a lot. @Brittany Joiner and her wonderful Trello newsletter, @Jimmy Seddon fundraising for Extra Life, @Craig Nodwell who I got to know via Likes for Trees, and @Andy Gladstone and @Viktoriya Borisova and everyone else who planted so many trees for us around the world.
For #3, I have lots of community goals all the time (it's kinda my job... 😉) but one big one was bringing the kudos program out of beta. We've had over 2,200 new kudos participants join since October, and I can't wait to see new names and faces making it to the top of the leaderboard in the new year!
You all are an amazing community, and make every day a joy. Enjoy the rest of 2022!
I'm happy you found it inspiring, I hope it will inspires others too now that it's out in the open :)
@Monique vdB a tree should be planted for this! I agree with all of your highlights, they were all near the top of my list as well!
A Tree should be planed for this :)
Great topic @Andy Gladstone - this is a good one!
Great topic, @Andy Gladstone
For sure, it is @Darryl Lee 's article about how to do Christmas cleaning with acli!
Oh, it is hard to say since I enjoy associating with so many of you. My 1970s club friends for sure @Ed Gaile @Robert Wen_Cprime_ and @Darryl Lee And so many others!
Aw shucks, thanks for the kind words, @Kristján Geir Mathiesen ...
Thank you, my 70's brother!
As an ACE leader, I guess I am just gonna sneak in here to copy some amazing links.. and say that I have a goal of being more active on the online community next year.. so I can answer this question in a better manner.
In terms of inspiration, I love the entire CommunityFam.. <3