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@Filiberto Selvas The Calendar 2023 Q2-Q3 plan seems too long to wait. Till last month you were saying 2022 Q2 as the dead line and now pushing it to 2023 doesn't make any sense.
If you are not willing to offer the HIPAA BAA for small business of <100 users, there is no meaning to wait.
@Filiberto Selvas I'm in a similar mindset that waiting until mid-2023 to find out if it'll be supported at lower tiers is a game of chicken that we are forced to play. Is there any initial indications as to what the new minimum level is going to be? 250? 100? 50? less? I think right now it's ~500 but even 250 is well above our license requirements.
It would be nice to know what Atlassian is thinking the new min requirement is going to be so we have time to make an educated decision as to what direction we would want to go with.
@Filiberto Selvas Thank you for keeping us all informed.
I've been monitoring this group for a while and I'm hoping there is a way to make "Trello" Hippa compliant or if anyone can recommend a similar app which would be Hippa Compliant?
Hi @Shlomo Kertzner ,
Unfortunately I can't offer specifics for Trello, there is no timeline for HIPAA compliance for it yet. I will bring it to the attention of the team
There are options available via third-party plugins on the Atlassian Marketplace. Here is one that might help with HIPAA compliance: 'DLP for Confluence'.
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