trello comments to slack

Arjan de Korte December 29, 2022

Is this possible; When someone adds a comment (activity section) to a trello card to also have this comment send to a slack channel?


2 answers

0 votes
January 5, 2023

Well I figured it out.

I found a helpfull youtube vid about this.


1. For when you're added as a member to a card use this: You were added to this card "{triggercardname}" - {triggercardlink} by {username}

2. For when you're tagged in a comment, use this: {username} mentioned you in a comment on the card "{triggercardname}" - {triggercardlink}. \nThe comment was "{commenttext} " \nComment link - {commentlink}

3. For when you're mentioned in the card description, use this: {username} mentioned you in the Description on the card "{triggercardname}" - {triggercardlink}. \nThe mention was "{carddescription}"


It would have been really helpful if all of these "{ }" were listed somewhere. 

This took why longer to figure out than necessary.

0 votes
Ton Bode
December 29, 2022

Yes that is possible. The Slack Power-Up sends events in Trello as messages to a Slack channel. You can set which boards the Power-Up is active on and which events send a message. Messages are sent by actions on boards, lists, cards, and checklists.

In Slack you can install the Trello-app which makes it possible to create and manipulate cards in Trello.

Content Exposar
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 3, 2023

Hi Ton,


Thank you for your reply.

is the power up called "send events"? because I do not see a power up with that name.

I have the app and a premium account.


Can you provide me with some more info about this?

Ton Bode
January 3, 2023

Hi Content Exposar,

the Power-Up is just called Slack and it is an official Trello Power-Up as you can see in the screenprint.

Hope this helps.

Trello Slack.jpg


Content Exposar
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
January 5, 2023

Hi Ton,


Thanks for this.


I know who to add {cardname} so the card name will appear in a slack message. 

But I still do not know how to add a rule or something similar to send it to a slack channel.

So how do I send the comment from a trello card to slack?

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