response_type=token not working in Trello Authorization

AppuSamy March 26, 2024

While authorizing a Trello client, we can get access token by two methods.

In URL fragment(e.g:
In URL param(e.g:

We can choose the desired method by changing the response_type in the authorization request.

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 7.53.22 PM.png

This is mentioned here.

But the problem is, when I try with the token in the param, I am still getting the token in the URL fragment.

Can anyone tell me, Is there any problem with the methods or Is it different?

And also if you know how to do the OAuth 1.0 authorization in trello without using libraries in Java and JS, it would be a lot helpful.

1 answer

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Alaa TAHRAOUI March 27, 2024

I'm facing the same problem, I tried to get the token as param in the URL but I couldn't, I don't know if there's a way to do that or they implemented it to be a fragment in the URL

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