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"This account doesn't have a password set" error

Squalle Squ June 1, 2018

When I try to log in to Trello using Chrome or Opera I get the following error:

"This account doesn't have a password set. It may be a Login with Google account, or you can set a new password via the Forgot Password feature."

I can log in to the app on my phone just fine.

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marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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June 1, 2018

@Squalle SquSo, have you tried to log in with Google in Chrome or Opera?

If that does not work, try the Forgot Password feature as said in the message.

Squalle Squ June 1, 2018

If I click to log in with Google, it logs me in. But all my data isn't under that log in info.

I've also tried using Chrome on my phone but got the same error.

marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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June 1, 2018

That would mean your app uses a different account than your current Google account.  I'd suggest to contact Trello support to sort this out. See "Ask Trello Support"

Squalle Squ June 1, 2018

Did that about a week ago. Haven't heard a word.

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